
I am 18 yr old student and i dont know how to invite a girl for freshers party?

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I am 18 yr old student and i dont know how to invite a girl for freshers party?




  1. Dude, this one is easy. Call her or talk to her face to face and say something like: "Hey, I was wondering if you would like to go with me to the fresher's party."

    Possible outcomes:

    1) She'll say "Sure!" - Excellent!

    2) She'll say "Thanks for asking, but I have other plans." - Not a complete rejection and she might be open for other occasions. But if she gives the same type of answer more than two or three times you will just have to be content with being friends.

    3) She'll fall on the ground clutching her sides laughing and say something like "You've got to be kidding!!" - Who the heck needs someone like that anyway...

  2. just ask her if she likes to dine out and then invite her

  3. give her an invitation card

  4. Send her invitation card.

    (I am 31 and I still don't know .. he he he)

  5. watch Harry Potter asking cho /Parvati for the yule ball.

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