
I am 18years old.i am 5'10, 5'11ft..i have been like this since 2years ago...will i still grow?

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this is getting really dad is 6' his family,all fo his brothers and sisters are tall....his brothers are above 6ft and his shortest sis is around 5' add insult to injury,he said he was about 6ft wen he was my age. whereas,my mum is kinda small.....she is 5'4ft.she has 5 brothers and i am taller than every single one of them.but the funny thing is her brothers sons are bloody tall....the tallest of them is 6'3ft and the shortest is 5'11ft.i want to know if i am still growing cos i definately want to get taller than my dad.




  1. tbh, i don't think you'll get much taller than you are if you haven't grown for two years now and if like you said, your mums brother is as tall as you and they're not growing then it's likely you'll stay the same now.

    also, your mum is small as girls don't grow as much as lads. you'll rearly see a woman who is taller than a lad.

  2. You may grow a little...

    Check this link.

  3. in general girls will grow until they are 18 and boys will grow until they are 21 but some have been known to grow until 23 or 24 (the males on both sides of my family grew until they were 23).

    ask your dad and his brothers when they were finished growing.  That's most likely the age you will stop growing.

    it's possible you may grow a bit taller but I wouldn't expect to get too much taller than your dad.  I would think that you would be closer in height by now if you were going to be taller than him.

  4. No, I doubt you'll grow more.  If your a male, males usually hit their heighth at age 17 or 18.

  5. If you are lucky you may make it to the 6 foot mark, but more likely than not, your done. You're far from short anyway.  

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