
I am 19, live in massachusetts asnd have no health insurance. am i going to get fined? and if so, how do i obt

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**** i am 19, live in massachusetts and have no health insurance. am i going to get fined? and if so, how do i obtain insurance if i am unemployed?




  1. Yes, pretty soon the fines will increase.  The penalties are based on half the cost of the lowest cost Health Connector plan available in your income range.  The penalties will add up for each month that you don't have a health plan in 2008.

    Go to -

    OR  call 1-877-MA- ENROLL.  It is a simple process.

  2. The State should have a welfare program to assist those unable to afford such care, if they can prove it.

  3. Do you VOTE????

    Maybe you should try doing something about your State and National leaders........

  4. The penalty of not having health insurance for the first year (July 1 - December 31) is to forego the personal tax exemption. After January 1 to penalty is 50% of the cost of minimum insurance premium per month. You do have the option of appeal if you can demonstrate that you could not afford the insurance.

    You can get insurance throught the state Medicaid office (Mass Health) if you meet the income requirements. Here is the website:

  5. you dont get fined for not having health insurance, its not the same as auto insurance.

  6. o.k.. since you are 19 i'm sure you don't have any major medical problems.. and won't have to go in that often!

    what my cousin did was sign up for a cheap plan through Ameriplan USA (see website below) and he only pays $40 a month for Total Health Benefits!!

    Medical, dental, vision, prescriptions, chiropractic, specialists, labs,  emergency... you name it.. so that's a great price if you only get sick a few times a year.. it's better than getting a fine! and it covers your entire household too.. so if the people you are living with aren't covered either.. you could even split the 40 bucks with them all and get it cheaper!!

    now that's the way to go!

    call me up if you have any questions on how it works.. I actually have a plan I can definatly help you out!

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