
I am 19 1/2 weeks pregnant. i know this is gross but i am worried. I hope i am not too graphic. ?

by Guest66986  |  earlier

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I had a difficult time using the bathroom this morning. And now my butt burns. I went to urinate a min ago and when i wiped i saw blood coming from my butt. Should i be worried about the baby?




  1. no, it sounds like you may have had a hard time pooping, or hard p**p. It sounds like you had fissures, which is a sister of hemmhroids. I get them all the time and it burns. But it's normal and your baby has absolutely nothing to worry about. Try putting some witch hazel on a cotton pad to soothe the pain. It will heal soon.

  2. You probably have hemorrhoids.  Pregnant women get them a lot.  You are most likely to get them if you've been constipated.  Try using some Tucks pads (they contain witch hazel).  They will help.  If there is a lot of blood,call your doctor.  If there is just a little blood when you wipe, it is nothing to worry about.  It won't affect the baby.

  3. hemorrhoids are a normal part of pregnancy, see your doc he can give you something to help.  

  4. i know this sounds silly but my doc told me not to push to hard when i need to go and if I'm constipated go to doc and get some laxative to make me go easier as when you push to hard it tenses your pelvic and puts strain on the baby don't just bye them go see your doc so he can tell you what to take to help you go to loo

  5. it does not sound like anything to worry about it is probably haemorroids try having more fruit and fibre in your diet if you are still anxious talk to your midwife they are there to help

  6. If you know for sure where the blood is coming from, then this is unlikely to have an effect on your baby.  Hemorrhoids and fissures are pretty common in pregnancy....I am really sorry to hear you are dealing with this.  Ask your doctor for or about suppositories as they will help to calm things down and help with the burning sensation and any pain you may have.  While these probably won't go away during the pregnancy, if you are still having a lot of problems with them after you deliver you can look into surgery to get things 'fixed'.  In the meantime, like the doctors and books say, drink lots of water because it will help to keep things 'moving'.  

    BTW....out of curiosity, when is your due date?  I'm 19w4d today and due January 9th with my second boy.  Congrats to you!!!

  7. Not at all. Constipation is something a lot of pregnant women get, as well as hemorrhoids. The skin tissue is really sensitive and can tear, causing the blood. I'm only 6 weeks and I've already had that. This is my third child. The only time to worry is when the bleeding doesn't stop or is coming from the v****a. Hope this helped. :-)

  8. It's pretty common. The extra pressure from the baby can cause hemorrhoids. Make sure you aren't straining to go and maybe add more fiber to your diet to help. It should go away after the baby is born. You might pick up some tucks pads also, you will likely need them after birth anyway.

  9. Sounds like you have hemmorhoids contanct your doctor-kristy

  10. You sound really constipated. You need to drink tons of water, prune juice apple juice, you name it! You might have a hemroid insode too that you might have ruptureed. If the bleeding doesn't stop call the doc asap!

  11. Well being a mother of 5 darlings, 10 and under I can tell you that you just need to monitor the bleeding, hemorroids are very normal, and having much experience with these some good home remedies are cold used teabags.  Try not to take to warm of a bath at first as heat helps increase the blood flow and this is the last thing you need at this point.  Cold keeps inflamation down.  The fibre increase is very important and even a gentle stool softener will help.  One of your best friends at this time will be your pharmacist, very knowledgeable and up to date with health risks.  Take care of this now as you still have a few mnths. to go and this problem can become quite bothersome.  I know this one well  from experience.  

  12. Sounds like you have hemmorhoids. Not dangerous, just painful and annoying.

  13. I would suggest calling your doctor...if you have been constipated lately it could just be hemorrhoids  

  14. No, sounds like you were just really constipated and may have torn a little bit in the anal area. Red blood from your backside is a good sign, it means its near the opening and is new. When the blood is dark or not able to be detected by just looking is when you may have a problem.

    Drink lots of fluids and try taking a walk after meals. this will help with digestion and help get things moving along in there so you don't keep getting constipated.

    Oh and try a little desitin if it still hurts.  

  15. you have hemorrhoids. See your doctor

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