
I am 19 and i go to cal state and i plan on getting married but i am worried my financial aid will lower??

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he is also going to school too n we both have part time jobs




  1. Depending on when you get married it may not matter for the first year.  If you can file the FAFSA for the upcoming year before you get married you are required to fill it out based on your current situation, which would be unmarried.  They will not require you to change that when you get married later in the year; however, it will change the next year you file your FAFSA for the new award year.

    If you are both only making a little bit of money, and both enrolled in school it may not affect you all that much.  It is hard to know until you file because of the intricacies associated with the EFC formula that is calculated through the FAFSA.  

    Good luck, and may you have a long and lasting marriage.  :-)

  2. Considering his status, it probably will not lower unless he makes a huge amount of money on his part time job.

  3. Wait until your done with school and have FULL time jobs, if your really in love then it won't fade and you'll have a much nicer wedding.

  4. Because they wont count your parents income, its possible that it will go up.  It will not lower at all though.  Congrats.

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