
I am 19 i am 1.86 m and i play volleyball i can jump 3.35 m i am a setter but i want some advice?

by  |  earlier

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according to these parametres i am good but i would like some advice about my setting how can i improve my setting what kind of exercices should i do what are the tips to become a good setter a last question who is better khamuttskikh or ricardo santos sorry for all these questions but i really need help




  1. practice setting in your spare time. instead of watching tv, listen to your ipod and set against a wall. first start really close and just set straight to the wall, not up. if you can, try not to let the ball spin. after a while, take a few steps back, do the same thing, this time set it up and to the wall. take a few steps back. set it higher and to the ball.

    if you dont have a wall, set to yourself- baby sets to yourself. set one low, one high. set one low, one high, do a 180 (turn around), set lone low, one high, repeat. do baby sets to yourself, keep control and slowly sit down. to easy? stand back up? still too easy? do it again, but lay all the way down.

    hope i helped! (:

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