
I am 19 live on my own, My gross income a month is $1300 I am pregnant and applied for medicaid will i get it?

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I live in Florida




  1. Honestly I don't know if you will or not, but forget that a--hole. Your life is not going down the drain. My mom was a mother at 18 and things worked out fine for her. Try for WICK or WIC (not sure which it is) they will help you out a lot! Good luck!!!!

  2. 19, no money and pregnant. And guess what? It's Florida. Who would have thunk it? Welcome to America.

    Anyone for starting up a "test" people have to pass before they can become pregnant?

  3. Wow, im sorry to hear that, have you ever tried Investing in Stocks or soemthing or even maybe some Real Estate>?

  4. Hi honey, I'm not sure what the difference in qualifying for state assistance from MD to FL but i was 19 when I got pregnant and I made about 1000 (I was a waitress) and I qualified...which was a life saver!!! but i know that in MD i think the cut off is 1300$  and if you make between that and 1600 then you can opt to pay like 45 dollars a month which if you think about it is not really that bad.....hopefully this helped :) good luck and congrats on your new little one

  5. it depends on your state... cuz in my state all pregnant women get free healthcare through welfare or whatever... dont listen to negative people like that everythin will be fine.. i got 3 kids and i might be pregnant again and im only 22 and im doing more than good


  7. Gee, I don't suppose the father would be of any help here, would he?

    Yes, you will get the help you need. You might also consider trotting on over to the pregnancy board, and explain to all the teens looking in how stupid you were in thinking you wouldn't get pregnant after having unprotected s*x.

    Welcome to my wallet. wtf!

  8. Hmm... Sounds like you are right on the border of yes or no, but I would say your chances are higher for getting it because of your age and the fact that you are pregnant. It really depends on what state your in. If it's NJ then probably will.

  9. yes, you can get medicaid.  to make sure, call their office and confirm.

  10. According to this chart you are below the income limit.

  11. yes honey i make a little more than that am 22 and get medicaid. just about everyone gets it. just go to your local health dept. and you will get it immediatly. and dont listen to that person, your life isnt down the drain. i am on number 2 and dont make a whole lot of money and my life is great. have a happy pregnancy!!!

  12. It depends on you finace options and assibitity.

  13. I do not know. You may want to ask the people at your local food stamp/welfare office. They will be able to give you a good answer. No one online will be able to help you with that, trust me! But to me it seems as though you might not be able to get it. No offense, but your not poor. And that service is for poor dead broke people. Maybe if you earned only a thousand dollars a month instead of thirteen-hundred then that would be different. Sorry!...Hope this helps!

  14. Wow sounds like your life just went down the drain.

  15. You should but I'm not sure if you will thats up to them, but there are plenty of programs to help with low income and single parents its just finding them and filling out the proper papers to get them that presents a challenge.... be sure to check out this website

    its got a lot of good links provided by the government

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