
I am 19 year old, Am i Too old to be a Jockey?

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i have recently started learning how to ride horses and we see people in the Olympics who began riding horses at a very young age. am i too old to kick off riding horses? do you think i can go to the olympics someday if i train hard?




  1. you have to be short

  2. As long as you're short, light, and have a lot of talent I'd say it's worth trying.

    Why the Random capital Letters? i Wonder.

  3. course you can , you have to work hard , long hours

    get fit , do loads of shows to be in the right places with the judges who choose the team for gb ..

    good luck

    go and get your dream

    i be watching you in the olympics one day !!!!

  4. Most jockeys start at a young age or have roots to horse racing.  Kent Desormeaux was an apprentice jockey at 16.  However, 19 is not really too old as long as you can maintain the weight.  

    You will not start off as a jockey.  Most times you will work on the back stretch as a hotwalker and/or an exercise rider.  If you get good enough you may become a jockey.  The hours are long and hard.

    Some jockeys ride until they are in their 60's.  There is a rider now, I forget his name but he is 70 and is trying to set an age record for wins.  It is never too late to follow your dreams.

    The Olympics is tough even if you start young.  You may make it.  Good Luck.  

  5. You aren't too old.

  6. Why not anything is possable if you have faith and work hard. Good Luck

  7.   Your at a fine age,  Remember you should be at most 102 lbs or less You will have to start out as a bug, That means a apprenticeship,

    So you will ride with less weight then the others and as long as you stay

    No taller then 5"7

    When you get more involoved in your lessons you'll know more about what you want to to with horses,

    Any way I have a feeling you did not mean Jockey?

    But a rider!

    If so Yes you can ride in the Big Time Just stay with it ,have someone back you as in money You will need the best trainers and horses around

    Like for one horse, once your good enough, will cost close to 500.000.00  

    So stick with it improve. learn as much as you can ,

    Good luck Bud  

  8. No , But Jockeys do not go to the Olympics !  

  9. NO

  10. Nah, you're not too old either to be a jockey or to be a top show rider.  You'll notice that the show riders are all in their 40s or so anyway... so you have some time.  It's a lot of hard work to get to their level and you are a little behind.  The advantage you get from riding when you're younger is that you learn all the basics, then when you're a little older, you can refine them.  Since you're just learning now, it will take you a little longer to get where they are, but it can be done.  Look at Gina Miles... she won individual silver for eventing... she didn't start riding until a little late, but she said she wanted to go to the olympics and now she's a silver medalist!

    Remember that equestrian is an extremely expensive sport... to be one of the top riders, you'll need one of the top trainers... you won't make it to the olympics by taking lessons at a local barn.  For the basics, that's fine, but after that, you'll need a better trainer.  And you'll need to find a horse that can take you to the top competitions... again, you can learn the basics on a school horse, but to get to the olympics, you'll have to buy a horse who was bred for that kind of jumping.

    If you work hard, it can be done.  I hope you make it!

    edit: a jockey is someone who rides racehorses in races.  You're not to old to do that either, but I'd suggest going to a jockey school for that... learning from a real jockey will help you not only learn to ride, but learn about the racing business.  I think what you're talking about though is becoming a show jumper or something like that to ride in the Olympics.

  11. no you just small and thin + go and get the dream don'tt just think about it

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