
I am 19 years old, and still do not have a drivers license. My problem is I have a really big fear of driving.

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I have probably been driving about 15 times off and on. It never seemed to get easier or less scary. I have never been on more than a two lane back road either. The only place I am not really scared to drive is a parking lot. my mom never got a license and I see how hard it is for her to go anywhere. I don't want to be a burden to everyone, and i am tired of having no freedom. I have to get my license, but I do not know how to overcome my fear. i don't know if a regular drivers ed program would work for me, and i don't have the money to waste if it doesn't . I am not one of those people who will be able to go to drivers ed one day and learn to drive. Does anyone know of anyone more long term or different drivers ed programs? Any suggestions would be appreciated. (In Sc if possible.)




  1. Nobody can "go to drivers ed one day and learn to drive", as you put it.  I must have driven 200 hours before taking my driving test.  You need a LOT of practice.  15 times is nothing.

  2. Wow just do it like go to like a clear road, and just drive, with someone 21 and over, cause my mother forced me, cause she thinks that you have to push me (She doesnt listen, but wateva)!!!!

  3. It takes alot of constant practice to get use to it. I know how you feel but just keep at it.

    Or you could move to a big city and take the taxi all the time.

  4. I'm not trying to offend you, but you may have to see a psychiatrist. This is a very strange fear. I am 17 and have had my license for about a year and I drive very well, better than others on the road. I would say you should stick with your local driving test agency though and you'll just have to keep practicing, everyone starts out a little dicey. JUST DO IT :)

  5. First you have to know what you are afraid of.  Are you afraid of getting hurt?  You can overcome that by buying the car with the safest ratings and then only driving during the day. The best thing to do is just get out there on a big highway and once your there you should overcome your fear really quickly. Put on some good comforting music that could help too. You can do it good luck

  6. If you didn't have any problems riding a bike, then you shouldn't have any problems driving, there's nothing to it.

    Its all a matter of what mindset you have, and yours is probably not set the right way. Most 17 year olds can't wait until they get their licenses.

  7. i am in the same boat as you. i just take it one day at a time though and hope that it will get better

  8. you could go see a hypnotherapist (both my parents are) and they don't do anything freaky they just ..well hypnotize you and they have spacial programs for fears, when you get hypnotized you wont say anything your normal self wouldn't* and you are completely aware of what is going on. It's how i got over my fear of spiders and heights

  9. I am scared of driving as well.  I was and still am a little afraid every time I start the engine however I just say a little prayer and keep going.  Just tell yourself that everything is going to be OK and believe that you are safe and a good driver.  Keep driving with friends or someone that can give you positive reinforcement to get you through it.  

    The fear starts to go away the more you do it so get out there and practice! And who knows you may even start to like driving

  10. I didnt get my license until I was 22. My bf had to help me. My dad is anss and I didnt get any help to learn and I have been scared as wll bc I was in a horriable accident. The best thing I can say is call a drivers class and start that and tale it one day at a time and learn that it may be scary but it will be okay as long as you drive deffinsivly and become confident in your self you will be fine. Good luck to you.

  11. It's perfectly normal, everyone is at least a little nervous when they start out. Think of all the drivers you see on the road. There was once a time when they were all just starting out, and all in your very same shoes. Think of all those pilots in their airliners, they too were once scared witless the first time they were in a plane. Or how about those restaurant workers the first time they ever took a drive-thru order? The best way to learn to swim is to jump right in. The same applies to driving.

    Its okay to keep open comminucation with your licensed driver. S/he is there for a reason; "Am I too far over?" "Am I going too slow?" "Is it safe for me to go now?" "Am I in my lane okay?" "How am I doing?" Any experienced driver can answer these questions quite easily, and since you're learning they'll be very nice about it, they'll probably tell you that you're doing fine.

    There aren't any cheap training facilities out there. I've heard of some driving schools that have car simulators for people who are really scared/bad at driving, but those are terribly expensive. There are, however, tons of web sites out there that can give you tips, like 'look as far ahead as you can' and 'keep your eyes moving, don't fixate'. Google can be your best friend trying to learn something new.

    Maybe if you think about how hard your mom has it, your fear of being a burden will encourage you and uplift your spirit when you, YOU are in command of the vehicle and YOU are DRIVING.

    Best Wishes, and Good Luck!

  12. I don't know about long term driver's ed programs but when I first started driving I was afraid of it too.  All you can really do is try to drive safely so you have less reason to be afraid.  It's something you have to build up a confidence in and eventually you'll get over that fear.  It'll be no different then walking down the street with cars going by you.

  13. You really just need to spend time behind the wheel out in the country so you can experience first hand what your vehicle is capable of.  Peel out, lock up the brakes, turn real hard, spin some donuts,etc.  After a few weekends of doing this, you won't be as frightened of a car as before.  Then you'll be ready to drive on some urban streets.

    Don't bother with driving schools until you're comfortable with driving.

    One key is the car itself.  A newer, automatic would be a little easier than an old truck with a 4 speed.

  14. I don't know of any other alternatives.

    I'm in your same predicament. I'nm 18 going on 19 and I don't have a driver license.

    I'm scared of getting into a car crash, one of my friends' mom died that way.

  15. I wasn't very into driving either. It's defiantly one of those things you have to just keep doing to get over your fear. I still get scared while I'm driving sometimes, and by this point in my life I've driven hundreds of times.

    I'd suggest getting a private driver's ed teacher, and letting them know your problem. It's more expensive, but if you are really really scared it'll be worth it. And if you pay people for their gas, and maybe give them a gift occasionaly, you really can't be considered a burden.

  16. You just have to drive to get comfortable.  The more you do the better you get.

  17. it's normal to fear driving heck my grandmother never got her license for the exact same reason... maybe see a counselor not sure

  18. practice driving four wheeler tracter so on in a real car situation. set up a parking lot

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