
I am 20, he is 18. Is this gonna work out? What is your experience?

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I am 20 years old, and a guy that I met is 18. I am a junior in college and he is a senior in high school. I think that he is definitely more mature and experienced than any other 18 year old, but I know that he still has a long way to go.

I am also worried what my friends are going to think about the whole situation. They haven’t met him yet. I told them that we are friends and that he is cool and that I’ll invite him over so we can hang out.

What is your experience on this? The fact that he is in high school and I am in college?




  1. You're both legal, see where it goes. I mean it seems a bit early to try to consider holy matrimony or something but for now just try enjoying him and see what else he has to offer, it could be a great opportunity

  2. Thats not an age difference. Im 44 and my guy of 4 years is 22. We are very happy. My guy is more mature than most guys my age. One thing... You cannot  worry about what other think if you want it to work. WHY would you let what others think make you choose how you want to live your life. You need to get over that fast.

  3. I'm 4.5 years younger than my wife.  At first, she was nervous about it, now she's 100% fine with it and even encourages other women not to be concerned with age differences.

    When we're talking about relationships then compatibility, personality traits, feelings, etc are what matters.  Age only matters when you're buying property, like a pet, car, house, etc....

  4. It is no biggie to me. It is your business who you go out with. If he is cool then it shouldn't be a problem at all. Your friends might kid around with you but nothing much though. He is only two years apart and that isn't a big thing at all. Don't be ashamed to show him off. Have fun and hang out and maybe later on you can say you are an item.

  5. It doesn't seem like a huge gap, but it is.  You're going to be 21 soon and then a whooole new world is going to open up to you.  But if you have that connection with someone, don't worry about it.  the more you stress on the age and the difference, the worse it'll get.  have fun, relax and enjoy the company of a boy you really like. if anyone has a problem with that, s***w them.

  6. i think this is funny because when i met my husband i was 22 and he was 18! he had lied to me about his age and told me he was 20. Needless to say i fell in love and then found out the truth. He said well you love me now, no going back lol! and we haven't. for the past 3 years we've been married, and sure people change a lot and experience differences as they go through different stages in life, but just remember he's a person not an age. If he's on your level, the age doesn't matter. Work through it.

  7. It will work out its fine. good luck there.

  8. It can work out if you both want it to work, but I can't see what you have in common yet. He's still in high school.

  9. it's tough , you are in a whole other spectrum when you are in college and he is still in highschool , but what advise i can give you is don't ever let what anyone else thinks come into the equation of your decesion , he will be out of h.s next year , it's all about what you want and how you view him , you have to also ask yourself what happens if we get serious and he goes away to college somewhere else , your still young do you want to have fun or have a relationship, if it is a relationship then you way the pros and cons and decide but always know that you are on a different wave lenght than him , 18 for boys is 16 and 20 for girls is 24 for mental wise ... good luck

  10. if you like him so much you shouldnt care about what other people think, and your friends being your FRIENDS should understand.

  11. Although they say that women mature faster than men. Sometimes you have to go with your heart you and him are the only ones that can decide where this is going to lead. You cant jut go off age because sometimes you both can have the same likings and it just might work I mean youre not that much older than he you have nothing to loose you can try it out and ee I mean that what you do with all relation you get into and remember what your friends have to say dont matter and dont let them all in your business because believe it or not they would always have something to ay and reasoning behind you all not working out GO GET HIM GIRL

  12. Don't see a problem unless you care too much about what other people think.


  13. I, as a girl, would never date anyone younger than me. Especially if they are still in high school. If I were 20 I wouldn't even look at guys that young. I would personaly feel like it just pulls me back.

    I guess if you don't feel that way, then fine, who cares what your friends think. If they are your friends they wouldn't judge you or think differently of you.

  14. 2 yrs younger than for you is not a big problem .Some older guys don't as mature as their age.young or old that's not a really big problem . Understanding ,leadership ,reliable, education ,same society....etc are the important things .

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