
I am 20 weeks pregnant and I really suffer from depression what can I do about it? I think of suicide?

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Since I was a little girl my father always told me I was never good enough to be his child always beated on me, now I'm with my husband who is muslim he has another wife in his country he always tells me she is better then me I'm not good enough to have his kids which I have 1 and another on the way by him and he is mad about that, he always tells me I'm no good my mind is sick.. So I left him now I just feel down and I feel like no one loves my mother wasn't good enough because she let my father hurt me so much and I feel like living is not worth it any more I just wanna end my life I'm gonna have 2 kids that my husband doesn't want because I wont let him have them and I feel like my whole life has just been a mistake. What should I do?




  1. I had a similar experience and struggled with similar issues.  One day it hit me - the people that are making me feel this way, the people that say these horrible things to me are wrong.....why would I believe what a mean, nasty, drunk, abusive person says to me or thinks about me?  They obviously have major issues that have nothing to do with me, why do I believe and value their opinion?

    The first step is to realize that their words and opinions are not valid.  They are meaningless because these people have no value.  Second, get them out of your life.  Don't talk to your dad or your husband anymore, ever again.  Never.  They don't deserve your time.

    The healing will take a LONG time but I promise you there is life after all this, and if you get through this you will be super strong.

    You can go to your local health department and get free or low cost counceling too.

  2. You should really seak professional (a doctor's) help. Maybe there is something you can take to help for depression, and you might need therapy too. I'm not saying you are nuts or anything... You've just been through so much! And the "thinking of suicide" part sounds very alarming. You should also kick that husband of yours out of the house. You're so much better then he deserves! Your life is not a mistake --it just needs rearangement.  

  3. You HAVE to stay alive for your 1 child you do have. You may want to consider aborting the one you are carrying if the emotional strain is so great that you no longer wish to live. Your living child needs you. You have a chance to be the parent that yours never were. He/she is dependent upon you for his own emotional well-being. If anything,please be strong for him/her.

    You have been abused verbally by more than one man in your life. It has had an adverse effect on your self esteem and you no longer feel worthy of a happy life.

    YOU have the power to end this cycle and the hold this abuse had over you.   Somebody, because their own feelings of insecurity, told you that you were not worthy, repeatedly.  You empowered them more by believing them. Stop believing them!! You are worthy and you are capable and YOU will live a happy life despite them. You will do it for yourself and you will do it for your child.

    Your child will grow up to be a happy, self-confident individual because of the examples you set and the love you gave.

    YOU have the power to change your life. You do not need to associate with people who will bring you down and ridicule you for loving them. You are beautiful and you are special and don't let anyone EVER tell you anything different.

    Being pregnant and suicidal is something that you will have to discuss with your healthcare provider to figure out the best option.  

  4. i will pray for you sweetie

  5. You need professional help. You're a mother and need to be of sound mind to properly take care of them.  Seriously.... get help!  Talk to your doctor about it first.  Hopefully s/he'll refer you to a psychologist or therapist of some kind.

  6. Perhaps you need to turn to the Lord. He thought enough about you to send his son to die on the cross for all of you sins! No other person is going to do that for you! Attending church will surround you with loving people who can support you during this difficult time.

    You are worth something!! Think of those two babies you have! They think everything of you!! Good luck and God bless!

  7. Well you are not the only one who deals with depression.  I have dealt with it as well, and my family members.  PLEASE realize that there is so much to live for.  You have one wonderful child and another on the way to live for!  A muslim man is hard to deal with at times.  I dated a muslim man a couple of years ago and found that he wasn't the one for me.  I have been deployed to Iraq and seen how the women and girls are treated there.  We are blessed to be in a country where we have freedoms and liberty's that others will never know.  Have you been to a doctor?  A psychitarist?  How about a church/preacher.  I know they would be glad to help you out in your time of need.  Sometime God gives us trials to overcome when we are not on the path he has chosen for us.  You will be a stronger woman for going through this.  PLease search out help for yourself and your children.  God bless.    

  8. you need to find a local help group. they could help you. or a number to call first. talk to people who understand more

  9. You need to talk to your doctor about this.  He can put you on some medication or direct you in the right direction to make things better for you.  

    You really need to talk to a professional about this because it could end up leading to postpartum depression, which could be unsafe for your babies.

  10. You need to tell your Dr your thoughts of suicide.  You can be on anti-depressants when you are pregnant.  Also look for a therapist, or support group.  

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