
I am 20 years old and have never had a girlfriend.....?

by Guest31730  |  earlier

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I am 20 years old and have never had a girlfriend. I'm constantly depressed about this, mostly because I've never been in a relationship of that sort. I'm kind of shy, but I'm not completely quiet. I'm the type that scopes things out before they speak. I don't consider myself ugly in the least, although I have a small gut. I'm 5'10" and weigh 190lbs. I just don't understand what it is about me that turns girls off. I try each and every day to better myself. I try to stay fit, keep high grades in school, and just overall be a great person. I'm also very picky about who I would actually date, but when I find someone I usually don't have the guts to do anything about it. Please Help!




  1. Dude, it happens when it happens. If you are seeking a relationship with meaning, don't put so much pressure on it. It ALWAYS happens when you least expect it. If your just looking for a bit of fun, you just need to be a little bit outgoing at the bars or something along those lines... But I feel I speak from experience. I've been single for about 2 years and questioned myself like this, but came to realize that, if you want something now, go out and get it. But if you want something with meaning, you need to have patience and you will cross paths... Good luck boss!

  2. just act yourself and be optimistic, you may find girls looking or smiling at you more often. I've never asked a girl out, but I've been with a couple of people, so if you just act yourself you may not need to ask anyone out. And don't be picky, if you see a girl looking at you often and smiling say hi to her, everyone has to start off somewhere. *I wish you luck*

  3. It sounds like me!

    It's not you.  Most women seem to go with the a******s anyways.  

    Don't worry the perfect person will come one day.  

  4. i was in the same situation. i didn't get my first boyfriend til i was 19 but it was worth the wait. so sometimes it worth waititng cause you end up with something good.  

  5. well thats just sad!

  6. Don't worry too much as you're still young. You'll be meeting many women as you grow old and she'll come least you expect it.

    Cheer up.

  7. Love yourself first and quit searching for a while. You wouldn't want to be involved with someone who is not confident about himself, right? So, love and enjoy yourself first. Be yourself! Have fun being you! Girls will start noticing you, I promise.

  8. LOL, sounds about the same as me sort of. I'm 27 though. I wouldn't worry too much. You'll get there some day. Mainly, just have some confidence and GUTS. Everyone has a fear of rejection, but if you never take that chance you will never know.

    I'd say my first gf, I was around 20, 21... I've been with a few women. Really though, the first few I dated and messed around with, but absolutely had no feelings for. It wasn't until about a year ago, I found someone I truly do love.

    Good luck.

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