
I am 21, how much SSI will I get?

by Guest56882  |  earlier

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I am 21 years old and live in long island NY. I applied for SSI because I am unable to work because of an illness. I had to fill out the Adult Disability Form. They say I will probably get it. Does anyone know how much I should be getting?





  1. Not enough to survive on,

    better find a stay at home job while you get better or

    inherit a million!

    if you think your gunna skam the government guess agian >don't steal, the government hates competition.

  2. Wow, what a loser. Leeching off hard working tax payers.

  3. Your office should be able to tell you.  If you recover from your illness you will lose your benefits.

    Don't count on living too happily though, its never that much.

    See if you can get retraining for something you can do, its much better for all concerned if you can.

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