
I am 21 weeks/2 days. I have been feeling movement for the past 2 weeks. Is it normal to not feel movement?

by  |  earlier

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all the time? I guess there are days I feel it a lot, and other days not so much. I had my level 2 US and everything was normal and I see my OB tomorrow for my monthly appt. Am I just parnoid? As I progress do you feel it everyday with more intesene? Sometimes it feels like gas, others it major fluttering or popping going on.




  1. it all depends on the baby and what he or she feels like doing. I found the same thing happened with me but i wasnt sure if it was because i was getting used to the feeling or if he just didnt feel like moving. The doctor will check the heart rate and that will make you feel better. If you feel that there is something wrong or  that he or she hasnt moved in a long time you can go and get a "stress test" done. thats when they check the heart beat of the baby and some other stuff! Best of Luck

  2. at 21 wks I think it's pretty normal not to notice all the movements all the time,, as long as you are feeling movement at least a few times a day,,, make sure to ask your OB tomarrow to make sure when to be concerned!!!

  3. This is what you need to do.  During the times you don't feel movement, have a snack, drink a glass of cold water and lay down on your left side.  If you don't feel movement after that you need to go to the dr right away.  I didn't feel my baby move for 2 days did that, she still didn't move.  I told the dr and he told me to go the the hospital for a NST.  That didn't go well so I had an emergency c section.

    Don't worry, just did the snack test.

    God Bless

  4. Babies go through sleep cycles.  They can sleep for many hours and you may not feel movement.  Or they may move when you are asleep so you don't even realize it.  If you don't feel movements for a 24 hour period, call your doctor and see if they want you to come in and be monitored.  You can try drinking orange juice or something else with sugar to get the baby moving.  That helps sometimes.

  5. it sounds like all is well!!  I'm almost 23 weeks and am feeling a lot more movement than 21 weeks, but still there are times when the baby is not moving.  Usually when I'm active the baby is resting, and during the night and early morning there's lots of activity!  Enjoy the movement- I love it so much!

  6. yes it is normal. it could be that your baby is lying in a position that you don't feel him/her kick. i am 30 weeks and 3 days and last week my baby girl wasn't very active and i was starting to worry but then this week it feels like she is making up for it lol

    try not to worry, i know it can be hard not to, but everything is fine.

    Good Luck and Congrats xx

  7. since the baby is still small it all depends on the baby's position wether or not you will feel it. also if you are up and moving then the baby will most likely be sleeping since there is so much fluid around the baby right now your movements rock him to sleep in your womb. if you are really worried about it i would recommend drinking a glass of milk or a glass of juice and laying down for a bout an hour and really concentrating and I'm sure you will feel the baby move. Good Luck

    o and yes the further along you get the more you will feel the baby because the baby will start to run out of room to move so you will notice everything...

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