
I am 21 years old man but mustache and beared are not yet come in my face,is any tips there to overcome this ?

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I am 21 years old man but mustache and beared are not yet come in my face,is any tips there to overcome this ?




  1. It could be worse you could be covered like a bear and have to shave 2 or 3 times a day. We are all different  just don't be one of those guys that try to grow one with nothing there to start with,it just tells the world you aren't a man yet.

  2. not everybody has facial hair.

  3. ok simple. you need to shave. i know u dont have hair but shaving makes you grow hair.just saying.

    so, go get a razor, and shave. you wont shave any hair, but it should help you grow hair.

    FYI, i only heard about this from my friend. but just for the rec, shaving gets old

  4. talk to your doctor about testosterone therapy. It is very effective, and will cause you to grow facial hair. Shaving doesn't make hair grow in faster, it only makes it look thicker because shaved hairs are coarser.

  5. Lucky you, less shaving.

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