
I am 21 yo and i beginning tae kwon do and I wondering if after i get my black i could start competing?

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So uh is it possible at my age to get a black belt from in 1 year to 1 and a half years and start competing in tournaments?




  1. with proper training it takes at the very least 2 1/2 to 3 years, and thats if you like never miss a class.  i have never heard of a school thatll give one to you after just a year, so if there is a school making you that kind of offer, you might wanna research it a bit more before signing a contract.  but u dont have to be a black belt to compete either.  they have underbelt levels in tkd tournaments, and some schools even require you to participate in those in order to get black  :)

  2. Most tournaments have categories for entrants ranked below black belt.

    If you are getting your black belt in a year then I would have serious doubts about the quality of your training. Entering a tournament with that rank will not likely end well for you.

  3. I started competeing in tourneys while I was a yellow belt. As for the black belt part...I'm not even gonna answer. If anybody in there right mind thinks they can give someone a black belt after a year, they shouldn't have a black belt themselves.

  4. Im 1 belt till back belt :) and reccentally i have been in 1 Competion and i am going to be in a team soon im excided!

  5. Hehe. I just asked a similar question. Only I'm 37 and just starting out. I figured even though I might not be able to compete in a sparring competion I could do the forms division.

    I think at 21 it is possible especially if you are already in good shape and very dedicated. However, it might as many as 5 years to get a black belt. Sooner if you are insanely dedicated. I don't think there is a way to legitimately get your black belt in 1-2 years.

  6. .....I don't even know what to say.

    Anyways you don't need a Black Belt to compete.

  7. I'm 52 and a blue belt I've sparred in a couple comps but everyone is way younger, it should take years to get a Black belt, at least 3. some of our black belts have been five or more and upper level black belts are10 to 20 years of training, the master has 40+ but he's 8th dan, he does not spar anymore, ( thank god, as we are the same age and he would kill me in seconds) don't worry about the belt worry about the knowledge and training, the belt won't win fights the training will.

  8. why would you wait till black belt to start competing? if you get a black belt and you can't fight, what kind of black belt is that? tournaments are the only safe way to see how your fighting skills stand up to other people your age and rank.  

  9. It's impossible to get a black belt in less than 2 years unless you have previous experience or are at a black belt factory.  

    Why are you in such a hurry?  Martial arts is a lifetime sport, so you should have all the time in the world.  Earning a black belt can be perceived as a status symbol, but wouldn't you be more proud if you work just as hard to maintain it?

    Most tournaments divide classes by age and rank (and sometimes weight).  So, even white belts can compete.  

  10. You shouldnt get a black belt that fast.

    If you do, unless you are a great athlete, you will probably get crushed in black belt competition.

    You should start competing now, as a white or yellow belt.  You will gain experience in sparring and move up divisions over the course of a couple of years.

    Good luck!


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