
I am 22 weeks pregnant I have neck chest and upper back pain ?

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it feels like I slept the worng it just hurts can I take Tylenol extra strength that's all they have at my job and have any of you taken tylenol while pregnant I just feel scared I do not want to harm my baby




  1. Yeah I think you slept wrong and you can take Tylenol my doctor said it's safe just don't take Advil. Stretch your neck and put a warm compress on it.  

  2. Wow I am due a day after you. I am having the same problem with my back and I asked my doctor about taking extra strength tylenol and she said its fine. It really helped me. I know what you mean though I hate taking meds while pregnant, but having my doc ok it makes me feel better about it.

  3. Tylenol is perfectly safe to take during pregnancy.

    EDIT: It's STILL ok. Tylenol is 100% safe to take during pregnancy.

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