
I am 22 weeks pregnant and my b***s really hurt I expressed a couple of times and they hurt even worst after?

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To see if I was lactating?? I am I hurt because I am full again!




  1. You really shouldn't be doing that, you are just making it worse on yourself. It is just a natural part of pregnancy, I know how painful it feels. I feel for you. One of my friends used to stick cabbage leaves in her bra to soothe her pain, I never tried it, but she swore by it. Good luck with everything.

  2. They hurt because they are re producing. your b***s are making room for the milk.!

  3. if you think they hurt now, just wait until after the baby is born and your milk comes in.  it's gonna feel like you have big heavy rocks in there!  As for right now though, I agree with the lady above me, just leave them alone, or they will hurt worse.  towards the end of your pregnancy they may start leaking colostrum.  That's what they are filling up with right now.  It's the first milk that your body produces, and it is filled with tons of nutrients for baby!

  4. I am almost 18 weeks and my b***s are KILLING ME. I have no clue why, Usually this happens in the first trimester and I have no more problems but I am in the same boat, I am not latacting though.  

  5. I too had a similar problem.  I'm 25wks and around 18-20 wks I began to have "leaking".  b*****s were very heavy, and I was very uncomfortable.  I spoke with my doctor about the early leaking and she said that whatever I do, "Don't stimulate the breast".  

    When a child begins to feed the uterus will contract.  She explained that if I began to "express" or stimulate the nipples my uterus could begin to contract and possibly cause either premature labor pains or worse, premature labor.

    My doctor said if mine continued there was something we could do, but I'm sorry, I don't remember exactly what that was.  Talk with your doctor, they should have some advise.

    I'm proud to say that at 25 wks I still have the "heaviness" but no longer leaking as much as I was at 20 weeks.

    Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck!!!

    PS:  Cabbage leaves will actually dry up milk production.  I wouldn't recommend doing this unless you are positive you do not want to breastfeed.

  6. I'm not quite sure, but I don't think you should be doing that until the baby is born.  

  7. what ever you do don't express them they are not ready that will just worsen the pain! my b***s are really tender and have been that way since i was 20 weeks and i am now 31 weeks:) just leave them be!lol

  8. You probably shouldn't have expressed because now it's just gonna keep coming you should have bonded you breast down or let water run on them in the shower if they were engorged. It will only get worse from here sorry.

  9. You expressed already? Who told you to do that-I hope your doctor didn't. Sorry to sound rude, but you should not be expressing at 22 weeks. My guess is that you are going to have to keep doing it until the baby comes now. I didn't even think a woman could express until the baby is on it's way out or out already! I would ask a lactation specialist for advice on this one.  

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