
I am 22 weeks pregnant and super scared!!!!!?

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Well i am 34 and i am pregnant for the second time i lost my baby last year in november. at 22 weeks. well here i am again at 22 weeks and i am funneling and i just found out today that i am 1 cm dilated i have heard that you can start dilation around 20 weeks. i am scared i will go into early labor and lose another child which by the way is a girl. but i am still scared that history will repeat itself i have a cercloge in place also PLEASE if any one has any answers for me or has gone through any of this please let me know.

How early can i start dialation?

Has anyone else gone through this?

What should I exspect?




  1. I have not gone through this myself but my friend had this with two of her last three births. The first time it happened they stiched her and put her on bed rest This was later in her pregnancy when whe got pregnant with the third she was on bed rest from day 1. They told her that it is extrememly dangerous for her to ever consider having another child and that it was very important to be off her feet completely. It really is not good to be dilating this early. You need to call your doctor and ask why you have not been put on bed rest and if they think it's too early I would get a second opinion or switch OB's to a more conservative place. You are better off safe than sorry. Get off your feet and hopefully you will not dilate any more. Good luck to you.

  2. I've never been through this, but if I were you I would stay in bed.  That I HAVE been through and know how boring it is, but it will be worth it.  It can't hurt anything, right?  

  3. I have lost two children, one at 19 weeks and one at 23 weeks due to an incompetent cervix.  I had a cerclage with my second pregnancy.  You have to stay off of your feet.  Also, try elevating your hips to take pressure off of your cervix.  The funneling can actually go away after bedrest.  Do not get up unless you absolutely have to.  Drink plenty of fluids and lay on your left side.  Good luck!

  4. I don't care what anyone else says but I would put myself on bed rest even if your doctor hasn't told you to do this.  The more you move around the chances of you dilating and going in to premature labor is there.  Good luck and stay sitting!

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