
I am 23, SAHM,& I have decided to go back to college. How do I budget my time wisely?PLEASE HELP!?

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I am a stay at home mom of a one and two year old. My husband works extremely long hours and I have decided it's time for me to go back to school. I will be taking my classes onilne while I am taking care of my kids. Two of the main reasons I decided to go back to college was, 1.) get my degree and 2.) My tuition is fully covered plus, my father is a former Gulf War Vet and I will be getting Ed benefits of almost a thousand dollars a month, this will be sent directly to me. We are having alot of financial difficulty right now, given we live off of less than $2,000 a month. I know I am doing the right thing. However, all of this is kinda overwhelming, I know I can do it. I am a very goal driven person. However, I am scared that me doing my school work online will take away time from my children. My two year old dispises when I get on the computer even to check my email. Can anyone give me suggestions as to how to balance this new way of life I am about to take on? Thanks for replies!




  1. Is there a designated time to be on-line for your courses? If not, then log on in the morning, during nap, or after the children have gone to sleep for the night.  

    I can see your point about not getting a babysitter, but like Sarah said, IT IS NOT NEGLECT.

    I had my son at 17 years old (poor choices...), but instead of feeling bad for myself - I put him into daycare and graduated high school with honors. I then enrolled into a local community college (with my son still attending daycare) and graduated with an associates degree. I then enrolled into a 4 year university (with my son attending daycare) and graduated with my B.S. in Criminal Justice this past May.  I am currently enrolled with University of Phoenix working on my MBA - but my son is starting Kindergarten in August.

    My point is - not once in the five years of daycare did I feel like I was neglecting my son. I knew that I had to have an education in order for him to have a better life. Also, daycare actually prepared him for kindergarten and how to behave with other children.  He is a bright, outgoing child who wants "to marry" me. If he at all felt neglected - I don't think he would feel that way.

    Children should always come first  and education will never be considered a selfish thing.

  2. Start small. Have you taken any college classes before? Start with maybe just one or two 100 level courses. Wake up early. Read and do schoolwork while your kids are napping.

    Honestly, though, it's silly to think that a babysitter means you are neglecting them in favor of your schoolwork. Come on. Handing them over to a babysitter for a few hours so you can do drugs makes you a neglectful parent. Getting a few hours to yourself so you can do schoolwork makes you a better parent. You don't have to be up their butt 24/7 to be a good mom. If your tuition assistance provides, it would be worthwhile. Maybe not know while you are doing easier classes, but once you choose your major and enter into higher level classes, trust me, you'll need to be able to concentrate.

    Alternatively, you could also join a playgroup (swap watching duties w/ other mothers), or maybe do a mother's day out thing through a church or organization for a few hours to yourself. It's a great thing to get your kids used to being around kids and adults other than yourself. =D

    I don't mean to be harsh, but like, chill out about the neglecting your kids thing.

  3. Set aside a time when it is just for school everyday. Nap times, just after bed time, or before the kids get up in the morning. I am doing the same thing, and if nothing else, have your husband take them if that isn't enough for maybe one day a week. Try to get your kids to be able to play on their own for a little while, or watch a movie. Good luck! It is a very good thing you are doing.

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