
I am 23 weeks just curious, about fetal movement?

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I have been counting in my head during the day how many times the baby moves b/c she moves way more then 10 times a day and today I have decided to write down movement from hour to hour, I have only been up for about 30 minutes and she has already moved 4 times. She is extremely active the other day I swore she moved about 50 times lol. How active is/was your baby at 23 weeks? I mean obviously I shouldnt be worried b/c she very active, but I was just wondering about other peoples experiences. thank you!!!!




  1. I am 24 weeks and sometimes my baby is really really active and sometimes he is quiet. Yesterday I was sitting in my law class and seriously I couldn't concentrate. He must have moved 30, 40, 50 times (okay - exaggerating *maybe* but you know!) in the 50 minute time span. I've also noticed new feelings that I didn't think was the baby before but it is him. I wonder when he sleeps!

    But I hate thinking he's super active because he trips me up and then the next few days he lays low and I feel only a few movements during the day and get really worried.

  2. Mine was relatively calm. I first started feeling him around 19 weeks and then from 21 to 22 weeks I felt NOTHING. But around 23 weeks his movements were regular but not overactive. He moves a little bit more now that I am 31 weeks but he is starting to slow down since he is running out of room to move!

  3. i used to think that my baby was doing some type of yoga in there she was moving so much i really liked that especially when you can see her moving now i get so worried because i am 37 weeks and its like she barely moves and i am wondering if shes ok in there i know its cramped so all that moving sounds about right especially after you eat or drink something

  4. We never counted, but the baby was pretty active. I was surprised. Definitely more than 10 times per day and sometimes especially big movements out of nowhere. It seems that the movements got smaller and more frequent since then, I guess because the baby fills up more of the uterus and can't get really hopping around like before, now he is just squirming all the time. Also, I think I feel more when the baby is facing me, so the kicks are aimed at my insides; my husband can obviously feel it better when the baby is facing out and kicking out. That's when we get the belly-moving kicks.

  5. some babys can be very active and make sure u know it.

    in my preg i felt my baby as early as 13weeks and by 23weeks he was doing flips inside of me daily. dont worry about it, its when they stop moving when u gota be alil worried althos ome babys have active days and not so active days.

    you'l prob be glad to know that ur baby will slow down her movements as she grows BUT the kicks will get alot stronger and some people can actually see the shape of the foot sticking outa your belly(it happened to me afew times)

    hope all goes well  

  6. Yes, my baby  is very active too.  Every appointment his heart rate is high and every doctor has mentioned he is active.  In fact he is kicking away right now!

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