
I am 23 weeks pregnant and been so moody lately. I though it went away. Anyone else feeling the same way?

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Especially towards my boyfriend. Poor guy he has been really awesome but sometimes the stuff he says really sets me off. Or does, like I went to bed early Saturday night and on waking up yesterday morning I find his mess all over the kitchen. Like how hard is it to throw away wrappers? Or wash a few dishes even if there is clean dishwater in the sink? And yesterday I asked him what his score was, because he is new to Yahoo Answers and he told me and I said " cool babe, almost to 200!" And he says " yeah right whatever." Oh that pissed me off. Is it my hormones AGAIN or is it him? Because when he is at work I really miss him. But after an hour at home it's like ugh why?

I really thought these mood swings had gone. Man is there anything I can do to ease my moods? Is there anyone else going through the same thing?

Please help, thanks!




  1. You guys should have a talk. Tell him what pisses you off and what pisses him off. Try to do those things less. Theres nothing you can really do about it, you should just remind yourself it's hormones and you should just calm down. If he's a good boyfriend he'll stick with you no matter what. Good luck.

  2. I am going through the same thing, sort of. I'm the opposite as far as it seems like when we are apart that he upsets me. And, when we are together, the world is a great place. We live about 75 miles apart and only see each other on the weekends. I'm diabetic, so he worries about me and he will call me to ask me if I'm eating enough, taking my shots, etc. Sometimes I feel like he thinks that I'm a little kid that can't take care of myself. I know it's just the hormones talking, but sometimes I just want to hang up on him. Best of luck to you (and me)!

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