
I am 23 yrs old. Do I have to obtain 50 hrs of driving and wait 6 months to get my license like a teenager?

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I am 23 yrs old. Do I have to obtain 50 hrs of driving and wait 6 months to get my license like a teenager?




  1. dont even 18 but your 23 so DEFINATLY NO!  all you have to do it pass your drivers test and you can start right away i is different in every state though....

  2. From what my brother told me you have to wait the 6 months with your permit, but you don't have to do the hours.

  3. thats stupid...haha...a pilot needs about 40 hrs to get his first ppl license...what makes u think that u need 50 hours shouldnt take more than one hour to get the basics...and honestly the rest is learn as u me..

  4. If you're in California, no you don't.

    However, I strongly suggest you do, if you want to pass the test on your first try.

  5. Nope, you just need to pass your permit test and then take the driving test when you feel you're ready.


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