
I am 24, i live in india , i am single, i have interest to further pursue my studies but my mother is worried?

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i might miss my turn at the marraige counter . shd i throw my intersets for my loved ones .




  1. your only young, love will find you, pursue your career

  2. india? rofl bummer

  3. No. Forfill your dreams and keep in close contact so they know what you are doing, that you are happy, safe and miss them. (just so they don't worry about you).

  4. Your still young, continue on your goal.

    Don't press to find someone to marry, they eventually will find you!

  5. listen to ur mom word get marry then u can continue ur education.

    fulfill ur mom dream.

  6. never. u only live once. do what u need to do then marry later  

  7. Proceed as you like!

  8. Your studies are certainly the most important.  If you don't get the education you need in the first place, the rest of your life won't measure up to your expectations and you will forever be wishing you had done what you wanted to do before marrying.  You can marry at any time of life.  It doesn't have to be at 24 or 25.

  9. mather must they first study and after awards you can marriage study first after marriage

  10. Pursue you studies above all else.  Not only might you meet someone while doing that but it'll pay off in the long run in more ways than one.

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