
I am 25 years old. I want to get married, i have a partial guardian.?

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i am 25 years old, and i want to get married. I have a partial guardian, and says that i can't get married, due to my fiancee only working 2 part time jobs. Why i have a guardian, was because i used to be a cutter to my self, and Ausuable Valley took me to court and told them that. That is when they assigned me a partial guardian. I live with my fiancee, and i want to get a job, what rights does she have against me for getting married?




  1. There is a reason they gave you a partial guardian.  Aren't their any court papers or anything explaining what her rights are? If the court assigned her to you, do you have to go to court after a certain time and show your progress? Like show that you're doing better and don't need a guardian? If that's the only reason that this guardian doesn't want you getting married - is the two parttime jobs situation- then that's not a good enough reason.  If he works 20 hours at both jobs, it's like having a fulltime job and assuming that he can support you, it doesn't make sense.....there's got to be another reason that this guardian doesn't want you to get married.  Ask.

  2. your old enough to please yourself begger em...?

  3. What? Where do you live?

  4. you can talk with your guardian and ask them why they not allow you to get married? maybe be if you will know the reason you will understand them. getting married is easy but but handling the family is not easy to handle.

  5. maybe they think you are rushing into things.. maybe you are??

    if you love the fiancee and want to be with them forever, whats the harm in waiting a little bit longer?  

    If you really want to do it, call up the guardian and say u want to go out for coffee, explain yourself throughly to them and then ask for their point of view and LISTEN to them.  

    If you can explain you want to get married for the right reasons then they  might change their mind.

    If they have a real reason why you should not get married, atleast you will find out what it is eh?

  6. If you want to get married then go...But think first your future...get a job and go on in life..Its good to have a guardian to advice us...But if you really insist to do things like getting married then you can that's your right...

  7. You are 25......???????

    The tone of your ??? does not sound like a mature 25 year old.....maybe that is why you have a guardian and why they are unwilling to sign???

    Now you say you WANT to get a job..what is stopping that????

    This sounds a little more complicated than you are letting on.......very confusing.

    I wish you luck,

  8. What are you waiting on. Do it now. If thats what you want and its your life go for it. You only have one life to live.

  9. better get a whole gaurdian those darn partial ones never work rite. i had to take mine back and get a refund.

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