
I am 27 and an art teacher...?

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I am 27 years old and an art teacher. I get on very well with the pupils that I teach. In fact It seems I am one of the pupils favourite teachers in the whole school. I am worried that when I get older I won’t bond as well with pupils as I do now. Younger teachers in their twenties just seem more likable. In time will pupil’s attitude towards me change or will I change?




  1. Who will know what can happen in time, if you stay the same and always treat the kids right then yes, you will always be a "cool" teacher, however I would say dont fret about it too much, if you start worrying when you are a bit older you will try too hard and end up as a joke instead of "cool". Surely the most important thing is that you teach the children and they learn and respect you, not if you are their favourite teacher or not (plus you are teaching art, that subject will always make you popular and cool, hey it's not maths after all :)  )

  2. If you stay the same, they'll still like you!

  3. You will change over time, but can still be cool and a great teacher.  Art is a fun class too, so you don't have to be as strict as other teachers.

  4. Why go looking for trouble?  If you assume that this will happen, then I can assure you that it will.  Self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Check your attitude and make adjustments.

  5. No, well I hope not!

    I teach and I'm only 25!

    I'm liked but I hope they don't go off me as I age!

    As long as you keep teaching well keep a sense of humour you should be fine!

  6. Hello!

    Don't worry about whether they will like you in 10 years time! To be honest as long as you are relaxed around them it is fairly easy top stay on their good side. The main rule for me is:

    Respect them and they will respect you!

    Hope this helps!

    Love Brenna xxxx

  7. No i doubt they will change.  I had cool teachers that were in their 40s etc.  Just keep the same attitude and you will be fine!

  8. i work in a school too and as much as i enjoy bonding with students at the end of the day i dont really care.

    Its important at one level for them to listen to you.

    Plus you're an art teacher, art is a cool subject, you will be fine.

  9. i thought you was a 15 year old bot who fancied a 11 year old!!!!! now i am worried very much. Maybe your a teacher who fancies young children????

  10. if you are one of the"cool"teachers at the moment,then chances are you'll stay that way.most kids talk about their favourite teacher to younger brothers/sisters,so when they get to school they will know who you are and they would of already had a good word put in for you.don't worry too much about it.good luck.

  11. I didn't become a teacher until I retired from business in my late fifties.  I bonded very well with my students over the few years I worked in that field.  Now many of my former students are in graduate school here in the city where I live.  They visit me often and one has become (despite a forty year difference in our ages) one of my best friends.  Kids are not stupid.  Yes, they like young people.  But what they like about young teachers is a quality that you don't have to lose as you get older.  I didn't.

  12. it all will get more mature and less able to tolerate the happened to me...i was "cool guy teacher" for years...then i hit my 30s...about 34 or 35 is when it really kicked in...

  13. As long as you remain enthusiastic about your subject you should be O.K.  There will be fewer pupils having a crush on you, but that has to be a good thing.

    The favourite teacher with the pupils in my school was a fat, bearded biology teacher in his fifties.

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