
I am 27 and single for the first time in my life. Where do I even start when it comest to dating?

by  |  earlier

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My wife whom I have been with for the last 6 years abruptly cleaned out the house and bank accounts and decided she wanted to be single again so I find myself for the first time in my life single. I have had steady relationships ever since I was 17 so I really don't know where to start. I relocated for my Exes job so I have no friends or family local. My coworkers have taken me to a few bars but to be honest I really do not like bars and to make matters worst my self confidence and self esteem has really been destroyed from the divorce. I know I need to raise my self image before I can start but I really have no idea how to go about everything. I have spent the last several months sitting on my couch depressed about everything and this really is not a person that I want to be. Where do I even start?




  1. That must bery very tough and I feel for you it is very hard to be single again after many years in a relationship. I think you need to give yourself time to get over your loss. You now have a wonderful oppertunity to rediscover yourself and what you want in life you are still very young and have so much ahead of you. Be happy that you did not waste more time in a relationship that was not right for you. When you are ready to date things will fall into place.

  2. look in the mirror, so u c a sad lonely man?

    if so start there, u no the best way to build confidence is by meeting people, even wit ladies by flirting (even if ur not ready to d8 again)

    secondly look at ur life....for the first time u can do wat u want and have want u need!!!

    is the job ur in main u happy?...where u live is that making u happy?

    change ur life for the better, lift ur *** of that couch and do the best u the person who is confident and can be strong, - don't focus on ur failed marriage yea it hurts u, but one day u will wake up and u will be able to go on without thinking about it, mite seem impossible at the moment, but time is a healer.

    and okay bars are not ur scene, join a club, an art group or a book club or some c**p ur into, n meet people that way,

    don't expect things to come to u, work hard for them, and yea ur depressed and u prob feel like u can't get the energy to do certain things, but like i said time heals things, just take it one day at a time,

    u said this isn't the type of person u wanna be...SO DON'T LET THIS BE THE TYPE OF PERSON U ARE!!!!

    life sucks at times, and we are sent things that trail us, but remember something, ur the type of man any women wood want to b with, ur commited n perfer stable long term relationships,

    ur ex wife wasn't the rite person 4 u, u mite of loved her, but love does not conqueur all, and if she wasn't happy i think deep down u will find out that u weren't happy in the relationship either.

    there will be a women out there who will love u unconditionaly and won't ever want to hurt u, just take it easy, breathe and huni don't let life pass u by, be part of it and regain control of ur path.

  3. I am going to give you the same answer most everyone will... just be yourself. Don't worry about the outcome of any potential relationship, just go out and have fun. Don't limit yourself to bars, but don't rule anything out. If it sounds like fun and you're invited- go for it. Take a non-credit course at your local college, or find a hobby and pursue it. Eventually you will meet people with similar interests you can hang out with, whether they are male or female. Broadening your circle of friends will probably help raise your self esteem and help you find someone.

    And remember... it's her loss.

    Good Luck!!

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