
I am 27 y.o but till now I never had a serious relationship(girlfriend). I want to have one but im a shy type.

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Please give me some tips how to court a women. I really want to have a girlfriend at my age. Tnx




  1. You may have SA(Social Anxiety), go to a psychiatrist...You will be ok with theraphy and medication.

  2. You don't need therapy or medication or a list on how to find her.  When you meet the woman of your dreams, you will just know it.  Girls like the shy guys too, it makes them very appealing, but however they like someone who is confident in who they are.  If you like yourself, then that will appeal to the girls.  I'm not saying to be arrogant and all that but appreciate yourself and who your are.  My husband lured me in, without having to say a word, he was just comfortable with his self and it was very attractive.  Don't forget, that  you need to be her friend first and always, my husband is my best friend and my lover and that's very important.

  3. It's important to be yourself. Everyone says this, and it's with good reason. Never try to be anyone that you're not. The right person will love you for who you really are.

    To find a woman, put yourself out there. It's hard because you're shy, but if you just sit back and do nothing, nothing will happen. You've got to tell yourself that whatever happens, you'll still be okay. What's the worst that can happen? She'll say no? In that case, you just move on to the next one!

    Work on your confidence, once you have'll be well on your way. If you feel you cannot become confident on your own, you could always see a threapist. They're great at helping with that kind of thing.

  4. Open up to friends or family members and tell them that you'd like to meet some new people, and ask if they know of anyone coworkers, etc. that they could set you up with.  That takes some of the pressure off of you, and gives people the chance to help make a love connection.  But remember, you may have to go on a few bad, awkward dates until you meet your match.  You're still young so you have plenty of time.

  5. Honestly, I think you probably need some therapy. If you are 27 and have never really dated, then you probably need some extra help to work through your anxiety.

    Good luck.

  6. 1. Be confident because you are unique.

    2. Be yourself because you are unique and that's how you can really find the one who is worth giving your love to

    3. Dont expect it right away, its going to take time

    4. Dont rush, you might get hurt if you go to fast

    5. Start talking to a girl, say hi, compliment her, ask her for advice, ANYTHING

    6. Casually ask her for her number and ask when its a good time to call her

    7. Call her and dont by shy, ne yourself. Act like its a friend.

    8. Find out her astrology sign, and find out how you can attract her. LOL but dont take astrology signs THAT seriously.

    9. Tell her in some way that she's pretty and you know she gets it a lot

    10. Ask her to hang out and tell her you'll pay for her. It sounds like a date already. =]

    11. DONT kiss on the first date. Hug her instead unless she wants to kiss you.

    12. Text her the next day and just talk to her...

    BE YOURSELF... Lol

    Flirt with her everyonce in a while, but not too much... Say something like. Hav you eve rheard NUMBER 1 FAN, by Plies? and if she hears it tell her its her ringtone.. IDK something like that.

    Tell her you miss seeing her. and little cute things like that. Tell her she has a good voice...then say its s**y. Lol


  7. try face book ......its been proven time and time again as the place to hook up many people i know use it ...with success

  8. You silly fool! You've been in a serious relationships for probably more than 15 years of your life!

    Yes, your right hand still loves you.

  9. Get married prior to end 29th ok?

  10. Well, first, you should be in the dating section, not the wedding section of Answers, but I'll give you a few pointers anyway...

    1. Be yourself - someone who likes you for who you are, quirks and all, is a gem.

    2. Explore things you like to do in more depth.  Join a group or a team.  Most likely, you can meet someone with similar interests there.  Since you're shy, you can start talking to someone about the group, the activities you participate in, then slowly move onto more personal conversations.

    3. Again, be yourself!

    4. Be honest from the beginning.  Don't lie about your age, what you do, anything.  If you really start to like someone, they will be really hurt to find out you lied to try to impress them.

    5. Did I mention to be yourself? - It's really important.  The foundation of a good relationship is one where you're not trying to change someone all the time.  Most likely, you'll resent someone if they keep trying to change you.

  11. Most girls don't like shyguy. You gotta change yourself. Otherwise, wait for the very rare chance to come.

  12. just be yourself and go to the right places and trust me you'll find one. the thing you want to avoid is being desperate. girls pick up on that so just relax and be yourself. also, be confident and act like you the boss and you'll be fine.

  13. Visit a psychiatrist and take his help to overcome your shyness. It can be something else (I don't want to name it) and it is curable.Best wishes.

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