
I am 28 and feel old and tired?

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I am a at home mom. Im married 6 years -4 kids. I love being a mom. But I want to live a little. Have coffee with friends. Play dates. I miss haveing girl friends to have coffee with. My husband is 12 years older than me and does not want to do anything with me not even go out to dinner. I feel VERY lonely can anyone tell me how to get out there a little bit.




  1. Start by talking to your neighbors,, then grow from there.   But seriously, if you feel old at 28  wait till you reach 54    Good Luck

  2. You are lucky to be an "at home" Mom so you have one job. Moms that have a job outside of the home have two full-time jobs. Smile you are a lucky one. Busy yourself with the kids and keeping a tidy home. Go clean out a closet, paint a room, have a garage sale, etc. When your youngest child goes to school, get a part-time job and then you will have a little freedom as well as some extra money to spend. Until then, thank your husband for being such a good provider that you can care for your children yourself.

  3. go out to the clubs , go see a movie by yourself hire a babsitter and kick it tell you hubby to kick up a notch and you feel lonely and bored go have coffee with friends put th lil one in daycar after- school program, get them in after school activities so you can have  you time once a day make an hour or two for you time and plan something special have a day when you and your hubby do something special, go to the mall redecorate a room, throw a pary throw dinner parties. go to museum art gallery wine tastig festival on a cruise TAKE a VACATION =)  go out of town go to dinner

    lol im only 13 but i hope the advice is good

  4. im 18..and i like grannies...

    email me...real talk

  5. if you are in good shape he may be g*y... no man would refuse a good looking and in shape wife to show off and be with

    5'4" @ 150lbs is thick but not bad

  6. tell him how you feel that you to hang out with with your friends and go to the park or something cheer up look at the bright sight and tell him if you waan go out with him

  7. I think what you need to do is take a class, maybe an aerobics art class, or criminal justice. take a class and then you will be in the presence of others and not just moms. This is the best way to get out of the house for awhile and then once you have this class you will be distracted with homework and busy researching stuff. you wont feel so lonely because in the end you know it will pay off later. or you can start to plan family vacations. or go for long walks or start to write a book on marriage or marrying an older guy or the life a a mother of four. there are plenty of things you can do. good  luck

  8. get communicating , tell him your wants and needs.

  9. First, try prozac. It should help with energy and depression. I tried the stay at home mom thing and couldn't do it. My husband is 11 years older than me but takes me out when i ask him to. It doesn't have to be an expensive place just something to get out of the house sometimes. Also, Have you thought about getting a job? Even if its just part time it will help. !! Good Luck!!

  10. Since your 40 y/o husband will not do anything with you, he should at least let you have fun with your girlfriends. You need to try to make him understand your need to have a life outside of your home. If he can not understand, then maybe you need to move on. Good luck, hon.

  11. I'm a 55 yo guy and feel like 90.  I wouldn't if I had a nice soulmate such as yourself.  Being 40 is no excuse for his behavior.  I've never known a 40 year old guy that was dead sexualy or otherwise.  Tell him exactly how you feel.  If he can't or won't come around he either doesn't care or needs a medical eval.  If nothing else works,  go out and have some fun. How much is up to you...but tell him you need "more".  He will either understand or not, or not care.  A little jelousy goes a long way towards awakening a guy.  40 is no excuse.  Get to the root of the problem.

  12. Hi there. A lot of stay at home mums get involved in home-based businesses. This not only gets them out of the house but gives them a sense of financial freedom and empowerment.

    Have a look at for one idea or even - Both of these products will also assist with your sense of feeling old and tired.

    Any business that provides quality products and a good compensation plan will work for you and you get to meet a heap of nice people along the way.



  13. I doubt you will be getting out anytime soon to have fun.  You should have a physical and have your iron checked. Four kids in Six years can take a toll.  

    You choose to marry an older man and most do slow down at the age of 40.  

    Find joy in your children and enjoy them.  Your time will come when they are older.

    Check your BMI (body mass index) with this calculator.

  14. i am 27 don't have a job and i feel worthless...

  15. I feel the same. I'm 23 w/ 3 kiddos and I stay at home all day. But I recently got a membership to a gym that has daycare inside and i go there during the day for an hour or so. But I met some other mothers there so when we are done we all go to McD's for lunch and the kids play.

  16. This is the down side of the older man trust me I know. Are u still in touch with friends? if so ask them to come over organise a play date for the kids. If you dont have friends around post an ad on Craigslist and organise play dates at the park first connect with other mothers advertise for younger women like u so that u have stuff in common belive me thats a great start right there and organise days with a few women so u have some choices take it from there. Talk to ur hubbie and tell him how u feel but I dont belive men really in dept understand this stuff so maybe when ur happier in yourself things will get better for u.

  17. Get OUT of the house.  Trust me.  And do not take the kids.

    Staying at home full-time with 4 kids is only for women who really, really like it and can do it.  It's not for everyone.  If you're lonely and depressed, they need a healthy mommy.  If he can afford you as a babysitter, and everything else, dishes, laundry, etc. - then he can afford A babysitter.

    Seriously.  Get some childcare.  Beg, do what you have to.

    Then Go to School, take a class, join a group, or get a job.

    You'll wake up wanting to shower, and get dressed, dressed up, even, and he's only forty years old.  Gosh!  I'll bet once he sees your life picking up he'll want to join in.!! :)

    Then the two of you can meet in the middle, with the kids, and be a happy healthy family, trust me.:)

  18. bless your heart!   Your husband needs to take you out on a date.  Your a good wife that gave him 4 kids.  Plus, you manage to stay in shape.  You deserve a nice dinner and alone time him.  He should be ashamed of himself for not taking you out.  

    He should keep the kids for an afternoon and let you have a little fun with friends.  Little things like that will make your marriage and life happier.  hope i could help.

  19. Do not loose hope do not bite into depression. work hard, Get money that and you could go on vacations w/ family and friends. As far as ure husband goes maybe he should get u really early and exercise , shower, and get a fresh start in the day. maybe cutting down on events and spending time w/ kids playing. then ure family will be happy.

  20. Your husband is at the age where he doesn't want to do anything but work come home eat and grab the remote control and sit in his recliner and fall asleep. You are still very young even if you don't feel like it. You must get yourself into some kind of recreation something where women can get together and meet once or twice a week.

  21. Call old friends and ask them to go out for coffee. Reconnect with them and yourself. You deserve you time. Otherwise the loneliness will turn into depression.  

  22. Head out to the park with the youngins. Meet some other moms. Start making some plans. Don't worry about the hubby, as it appears he doesn't care anyway.

    Have fun!

  23. 5 4 and 150?  You must be really BUFFED!

  24. Go to mommy and me groups at community centres and you will meet other stay at home moms and can develop friendships there.  It will also benefit your children by being out and playing with other kids.  Since your husband doesn't want to go out with you then get him to stay home and watch the kids one night every week or two and reconnect with your girlfriends.  Being at home with 4 kids and not socializing with other adults will absolutely make you feel old and tired.  I suggest you make arrangements for someone to watch the kids one night and go out with your husband (whether he likes it or not).  He may surprise himself and actually have a good time having one on one time with you without the kids around.  

  25. Take Geritol.

  26. 28 and 4 kids??? Honey your ARE tired...And your husband should recognize this. He should take you out at LEAST once a month to dinner. But it sounds like you want another source of companionship rather than him or the kids. Do you have friends? If you do, talk to them about your need to be with them. If you dont have friends, go to family. Start out with time with Mom or Sis. They can be friends too. If you need to find a friend, you can write to me @ Im older than you (44) but I have been where you are and then some.  

  27. gosh that is weird. if hes not want ting to do nothing with you maybe you should shoo him out and get divorced and let him pay support for awhile he can Leave an you can keep the House and he can pay for it that is how it goes and you can find someone to help you there are lots of men out there willing to help i have thought surely life is too short ot be unhappy. take care there is a day coming for you

  28. I would say join something....

    Do you know any other women your age? Have any other connections w/ any other women? Hang out w/ someone and join their circle of friends....

    Go out to a movie and dinner w/ another friend you have.. Maybe call an old friend? A neighbor? relative?  

  29. It seems hard to leave home since you have four kids.You can invite your girlfriends home to chat a little bit or to share the new stuffs.You might find some new stuff like new kind of Coffee or something pretty cool in your daily life. Share with your friends!   or maybe you can invite the family you know to have a small family trip or picnic or bbq.

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