
I am 28 and he is fourty. I want kids..will be able to have kids at that age.

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at what age do men start having trouble getting woman pregnant?




  1. Me and my hubby have seven children, he is 50 now and our youngest is four, and has even suggested about having another one lol.  You both should have no problem having kids and experiencing the joys of parenthood.  Good luck  

  2. i don't know what age men have trouble getting women pregnant.  my uncle, who got married in his early forties, had 2 sons after.  

    so don't lose hope.  just in case you do run into trouble, medical technology can help!

  3. yea i mean your still young. your body can handle pregnancy.  

  4. Yea. I know a girl who is 14 and her dad is in his 60's.

  5. men can have kids at any age ;)

  6. Men will always be able to have children as long as they can perform, or they don't have some kind of disease that lowers their sperm count?

    Yes sometimes guys go wrong too.

    I hope it helped.

  7. Don't worry about men.  You need to worry about you.  The fact that you are 28 doesn't mean you are fertile.  Also, if your husband is not capable, you can always go for donated sperms.


  8. your 28 you should know can get women pregnant well up into their 60's and 70's

  9. around 100

  10. men always produce sperm.....the only way there will be a problem is if he is steril, has a low sperm count or you have problems with yourself.  Men can do many things to help keep their sperm count up.  Loose shorts (boxers) and pants.  Keeping the area as cool as possible.  Having s*x every three days or less (this helps the sperm count build up too.).  Even if there is a problem there are many things the doctor can have you guys do or medications to use.  Or there is always adoption, there are many younger kids (usually not infants) in desperate need of a good home that are just floating in the foster system.  Best of luck with everything.

  11. around 80

  12. Picasso was getting women pregnant well into his seventies.  You two should be fine.  

  13. when they can't get their p***s up anymore lol.

  14. If he is a healthy man in his fortys and was always able to have children,sure you guys will be just fine. you are very young so get started honey!!! And if you really want to make sure,you and your other half can go to the doctor and your man can get a sperm count!!! so get ta love making your waisting time looking for answers....

  15. Men never lose the ability to reproduce.

  16. this is funny.Men carry sperm forever they never have spermopause haha get it your know we have menopause.they can get a woman pregnant at any age.

  17. Men can still father children into their 70's, 80's and in some cases, beyond that.  No worries.

  18. Unlike women, men don't have a "biological" clock ... it would really be the decision you and your partner make together

    good luck

    you could always decide to adopt an older child if he doesn't want to raise an infant ...  

  19. well I am 30 and my bf is 40 and we just had are son in feb so I don't think it has anything to do with age. good luck .

  20. Men can usually father children as long as they are still able to get it up. (Or longer, with appropriate medical intervention.)

  21. Healthy men never do.

    I was 28 when I got married, husband was 38. We had our son when I was 30 and he was 40. No problems!

    The only difference may be that he'll have a testosterone dip in his 40s, but that doesn't affect fertility - as long as he's not smoking, boozing, or drugging.

  22. Men don't have the same problems as women do with reproducing at an old age.  It shouldn't be a problem for you.  

  23. Hey brad pitt is in his middle 40's that should tell you there

  24. Of course you will! My parents are 42 and 47 and just had twins last year. So believe me if he is not shooting blanks and your equipment is working you can have kids.  

  25. any age, some men have better sperm than others.

    but men can have kids much later than woman, so you should be fine

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