
I am 28 weeks (7 months pregnant) worried im too small?

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  1. When I had my son, I weighed less than I did when I got pregnant.  if there was any concern, your doctor would tell you.

  2.   Do not worry.  One of these mornings you will get out of bed and Woops you will be right out there.  Everyone develops at a different rate.  

      Have you been going to the Dr.?  They would be the first ones to check things if the pregnancy wasn't going right.

  3. dont worry if this is your 1st it takes longer to bloom leave it another 4 weeks and you will be the size of a house.

  4. everyone is different dont worry

  5. Everyone says that I anm small but I feel big. Everyone is different depends on body shape etc. Do not panic your midwife will tell you if you are small. My fellas mum was in size 10 jeans all way through with her 8 kids. She is petite like yourself . I am a size 8 in maternity pants.

  6. i'm 35 weeks and measuring small too. i asked my dr about it last week at my visit and he said as long as the baby is moving around in there then he isnt worried about him being overly small.

    just remember, everyone grows and shows different!

  7. No you're not.  You still have over 2 months to go.  I was your size at almost fill term so I carried small and went on to have a 7 pound baby.

  8. Are you having regular check-ups with a doctor or midwife? Make sure your ante-natal care is up to scratch - they will know whether or not you have anything to worry about. Have you had any ultrasound scans? A proper examination from a medical professional will confirm that everything is OK. You need to seek PROFESSIONAL advice in order to put your mind at rest. Don't give yourself unneccesary worry, check with your doctor/midwife TODAY.  Good luck.  

  9. As long as you feel good, and the Dr isn't worried then all is well.

  10. calm down, i think her name is Nicole kiddman and she was small when she was 6 months pregnant.

  11. i only started showing properly at about 35 weeks! i was as small as you, don't worry, you and your baby are fine.


    Seriously.. everyone is different, or you may have a tiny baby

  13. My friend was tiny when pregnant, she told me she was 6 months and I was like yea right! if the doc says it's okay then it's ok

  14. I wouldn't worry i didnt add much weight at all until the last few weeks. People at my work did not even know i was pregnant until I left on bed rest 2 weeks b4 i was due. :) i had a small baby but she came out easy  

  15. hun your fine if you notice your putting the baby weight on all round that is why your bump looks smaller ,

    as long as your doctor said your baby is fine don't worry ok

  16. If worrying made a difference it would be worth it.  Don't waste energy on things you cannot change - concentrate on what you can do.  So the best thing to do would be to go and see your doctor for advice.

  17. You don't look too small to me?  Plus in the next few weeks you will be grower more than you have been.  Usually you don't start to really show really good until 7months and beyond.  You shouldn't be worried?

  18. Worrying makes it worst for a pregnent, the more your peaceful, the more beautiful ur kid will be, stop worrying and be the happeist lady these 3 months and you will celebrate later, :-) Good luck lady

  19. dont be worried if your midwife thinks your fine then you are i was small with my first and it just balloned in the last week and he weighed 8ib13oz so i hid it well i guess

  20. I only had a small bump right through my pregnancy.  It's normal and every one is different.  As long as you and baby are healthy there is no need to worry.  At 8.5 months my bump was still small but got a bit bigger the last two weeks before birth.

    baby was 6lb 8

    good luck you will be fine

  21. As long as your going to your prenatal appointments and the doc is keeping track of everything I wouldn't worry.  Everyone is different.

  22. i really wouldnt worry atall! my cousin was tiny! and her belly was so small she didnt get to be as big as you are now till she was a week away from her due date and she had a nearly 9 lb baby!!

    I,on the other hand was massive lol and my baby weighed less then hers!! everyone is different...your bump looks gorgeous!

  23. As long as your midwife is happy with you size its fine try not to stress out about it too much x

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