
I am 28 weeks pregnant and my neighbour asked me to mind her cat for 1 day. i went down to her apt to feed

by  |  earlier

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the cat and petted the cat and then looked down at the floor and there were about a thousand ants surrounding 3 dead mice that the cat had obviously killed. i am freaking out as i had asked her was her cat a rodent hunter and she said no but i wasnt going to change the cat litter just feed her. then this happened.




  1. So?  Toss out the dead rodents.

  2. get out! get out now!

  3. Alrighty then... you must be on bed rest so you've got time to tell us pointless stories.  

  4. apparently some people don't realize that pregnant women should adviod cat litters (AND DEAD ANIMALS) like the plague as they can carry bacteria that can effect the fetus and cause birth defeats or problems. Can you ask someone to do it for you like another neighbor??? Stay away its not worth your child's health. Ask everyone and anyone you know to help you.

  5. find someone to get rid of them and change the litter for you. Don't touch any of it. After that's done, mop the area.

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