
I am 28 yrs, was born in US but living in India since the past 27 yrs. Would i still be a US citizen?

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I have a US passport. But i do not have a visa. In such a condition i am not sure whether i will be a US citizen due to my birth or whether i will be an Indian citizen due to the number of years i have spent in India. Can i renew my passport? My parents are Indian citizens.




  1. I'm not sure on how India's rule works but the #1 rule for the US is that if you're born on American soil you are considered American no matter what.

    Dual citizenship I do not know how it goes for India, but if you were a dual citizen then you had to decide when you hit 18. That is the rule for the US I believe, but its kind of a gray area so take what I said with a grain of salt.

    Try and see what happens when you renew your passport that is the best way to know if you're still regarded as a US citizen or not. I think you still are though.

    Passports are very important however especially for you. You would have been granted a visa to stay and live with your parents (For India) and it should have been renewed constantly over several years or it should have been renewed as your passport expires. That is what I am familiar with I have no idea how India does it.

    Try and renew your passport. Get in contact with the US Embassy and that will be a for sure telling of what your citizenship status is.

  2. The Constitution says all persons born in the territory of the United States are U.S. Citizens. You can hold dual citizenship with another county, like India, and still be a U.S. Citizen. Check with the nearest Embassy or Consulate. They will tell you what documents you need to travel to the United States. But as a citizen, you do not need a visa.

  3. if you renew your passport you are still a citizen. for live so try to renew your passport

  4. hey man...donno worry ur still a US citizen...

    u just need to stay over there now....

    b4 any rule changes, stay in US fro atleast 5 yrs....

    and u need no visa bro...

    just imagine do anyone need visa for his own nation!!!

    ur free to move to us anytime without any obligations...

    rest i'll ask ma frnd who came across the same situation...

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