
I am 29 years old and was on birthcontrol for only a year, now im not getting a period????

by  |  earlier

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I had stopped taking the pill in December of 2007, since then my period has been very irregular. Last month my doctor put me on Provera because i didn't get my period for almost 4 months, I got my period for 3 days on the Provera and no period since then. I am now 2 weeks late?? I don't know whats wrong and what needs to be done. My doctor isnt helping very much and I am very scared because I want to start trying to get pregnant next year!! Please Help!!!!!!!




  1. Irregular periods can be an indication of a hormone imbalance such as a problem with the thyroid or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (both examples only).

    Because your doctor is not being very helpful I would recommend getting a second opinion, preferably from someone that does not share the same office of the doctor you currently go to, to see what they think could be going on.

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