
I am 30 years old.. i feel it is so late to study architecture for 5 years. How can i survive to earn living?

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i am 30 years old.. i feel it is so late to study architecture for 5 years. How can i survive to earn living when i study it?can I need to seek to be married in studying it?




  1. you are never to old to study anything.

    I actually wanted to study architecture aswell, but I found out to late (I realised it in my second last year - 16) and so I couldn't study it (they required math B and I had math A - yes it is a harsh world), I didn't want to waste a year for the maths. So I went to study Law (and I am happy that I am doing it). But eventually I would like to study don't you dare say you are old (it would make me old)!!

    ans ofcourse you can be married and study at the same time.

    my classmate is 41 and just got recently a son.....

  2. My father only just finished his combined university degree last year, and he is 44. So don't feel it is too late :-) because it's not. We are in an Age of Information, where continuous learning is essential for financial security. If it's your passion, then go for it. There are many options available to you in your situation. My dad did Uni part time and worked to earn a living. Many universities offer Distance Education where you can do your degree through correspondence, which is perhaps a good option for you. Don't give up, perseverence is the key. Good Luck.

  3. You are never too old to further your education, many people decide to this at every stage in their life. It may appear to be a life changing decision now and at times it may be hard financially but it the long run, it will pay off - education always does.

    Perhaps you can study part-time while working full-time or vise-versa?

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