
I am 31.5 weeks pregnant I had some pain with my braxton hicks it was unsettling then stopped. Is this normal?

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For the last 2 days I have had cramping but non consistent. Lastnight i had a scare it got pretty intense cramping in my lower abdomen and tightining of my uterus, but just like it came it stopped. I have been drinking lots of water to make sure I am hydrated and taking it easy. Were these braxton hicks or pre term labor than seems to diminish? Right now I feel fine... Anyone with real answers please help!




  1. you should call your ob gyn as soon as possible, braxton hicks generaly do not hurt, all though they can be uncomfortable.  I wouldnt take any chances and call the doc.

  2. it isn't uncommon for braxton hicks to get more uncomfortable near the end of your pregnancy. stay hydrated, rest on your left side, and if you have more then 5 contractions an hour, or any bleeding, call the dr/midwife.

    I had a preemie at 31 weeks, she's a healthy 3 year old now, but the beginning sucks, and its better to be overly cautious (IMO)

  3. I had this as well. Sometimes I had to take tylenol and lay down for a while as per my midwife. If its consistent I would see my doctor. Sounds a lot like false labor which is pretty tricky!

  4. They are probably just Braxton Hicks, towards the end of pregnancy they can be pretty intense. As long as you don't have them for more than a few hours consistently one after another 5 minutes apart...You are fine! You will be able to tell the difference. You will not be able to talk during a regular contraction. Well, you may, but you are awesome if you do!

  5. sure sounds like braxton hicks to me. i had braxton hicks during the later stages of my  pregnancies as well and they do get a little uncomfortable and sometimes a little worrying but just try to relax and not think about it so much. Just think of it as natures way of preparing your body and your mind for what is to come. Good luck with it all.

  6. I had the same thing.  I freaked out because the tension was so tight.  It only happened once, then the regular braxton hicks kicked in.  I went into labor a week early and I knew it was labor because the contractions were very regular.  I started writing them down (times and how far apart).  When they were 3-4 min apart for more than 2 hours I went to the hospital. 40 hours later I had a beautiful baby girl.  Good LUck!!

  7. It could be that you had a proper contraction. This doesn't necessarily mean the you are in labour, just that your uterus decided to contract. Had you just had s*x? If so that could explain it, pleasure (especially o****m) releases the hormone oxytocin which is the hormone that caused your uterus to contract during labour.

  8. I actually called my doctor about this last night. I am 36 and a half weeks pregnant and the EXACT same thing is going on with me. They said the farther along you are, the more frequent and strong your BH contractions are going to get. It sucks, but it's not going to get any better. I am sorry. If you time your contractions and they are consistent and like 5 minutes apart, or they get so bad its hard to talk. Call your DR. immediately. Thats what I was told last night. I hope it helps. Oh also they said if you are dehydrated or not drinking very much water your BH contractions will get stronger. So drink about 2 liters of water a day. Thats also what I was told. Good Luck!

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