
I am 31 weeks pregnant, has using a laptop directly on my lap harmed my unborn baby in any way?

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I am 31 weeks pregnant, has using a laptop directly on my lap harmed my unborn baby in any way?




  1. no. just like using your mobile phone wont harm your baby.

  2. Nope, you ok...  

  3. Your O--TAY!!

  4. Very doubtful. Just think, if there were a risk, it'd be all over the place.

    Ask your Dr if you want confirmaton.

  5. No but the baby has a MySpace, Facebook and is on

  6. Nope not at all, its the same old wives tale as talking on your cell phone when pregnant.  

  7. no i don't think so i used to do it and my baby is fine

    also if you have music on or read things out loud your baby can hear it and can find it soothing  

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