
I am 33 weeks pregnant and doing it alone??

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the father is not been interested at all and i have been the one doing the calling and texting, we have agreed to meet this thursday but my mum and his brother is coming as need witness to conversations i think and he not man enough to face me himself. he is 39 and i am 27 we were together for 6 months befoe i fell pregnant then he didn't want nothing to do with it. he says to people he does but gives me all the wrong impressions, any advice on what to ask or say to him this week when we meet... sorry pretty confused......




  1. First off, it takes a strong woman to do it alone, second of all you could be better off without all his c**p.

    Tell him to make his mind up about being in his babies life because you have a baby to tend to, and dont have time to go chasing him around. Tell him you don't want a child who has a father that comes and goes as the child grows up.

    Oh and of course, most important of all, just tell him exactly what youre thinking and feeling.

  2. Based on me being pregnant before, and having 3 pregnant friends live with me in the past, I know that hormones can make us really hard to live with!  I didn't realize it, until I saw some home videos of myself, years later.  

    He might be scared too.  There's a book, what to expect when you're expecting.  Try to get some time together to read it.  Both of you might learn something.  Talk with a marriage counselor (even if you're not married, because your situation is a lot like marriage).  It might help.  It's very hard being a single parent, and if he doesn't want to be a parent for sure, you need to decide what you're going to do.  Good luck

  3. Get him out your life, a man who does not face up to reasponsibility is not a man atall. Tell him if he wants to be a part of the child's life he will have to wait til he/she grows up and makes the decision themselves.

  4. Firstly stop texting and getting in touch with him, make him come to you, you dont have to chase anyone that is not supporting you when you need it the most. When this child is born, bet he sure comes running then, but be careful, i would give the child your name not his, he dont deserve it and its easier for you to do as you please then, good luck ,  

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