
I am 34 weeks pregnant and wondering if anyone else at about the same weeks as i am is feeling?

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towards the end of the day like your baby is heavier in your tummy, like you can notice the weight more as the day comes to an end? anything else you would like to share about how you are feeling at this point? please feel free!! thanks and all the most happiest wishes to you!!!




  1. i can only summarize how i am feeling at 37 weeks with


    yes he is getting heavier, lower, and making me more and more out of breath and exhausted every day. i have tried every old wives tale out there to make him come early, but no luck. he is more active now than ever, and leaving bruises on my belly!! and he has the hiccups all the time!!! but the more i think about it, two weeks isnt that much longer to wait and itll be worth every minute when he is here!!  

  2. I am 36 weeks and I totally know what you are talking about! Towards the end of the day when ever I stand up I feel like I am a waddling duck. My belly just gets so heavy!  I am not sure if you are working or not, but I am still working and walking around all day really gets to me!  My feet get very sore and swollen, and my lower belly just feels so heavy. When I get home for the day, I just sit on the couch and do nothing. Luckily, my husband is very understanding and cooks dinner every night for us.  I just can't wait to get this lovely child out of me!!  :)  We are almost there!  

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