
I am 35 weeks pregnant and have had diahria (sp) and nausea and indigestion all day.?

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I have been in the hospital twice this pregnancy for pre term labor. I had cramping and timable contractions with cervical change. I am now 35 weeks prego, still taking procardia and I seem to have gotten a bout of diahria and nausea today. I have indigestion as well, but I have tht quite often these days. Should I be concerned that maybe I am heading into labor? And also, baby's movements have been different today, way more vigorously active than he has been lately.




  1. ewwww...

    u made me puke girl...

    u have no self respect or somethin?

  2. The same thing happened to me when I was pregnant with my son. I was on bed rest for preterm labor and had the diarehhea and heartburn the week before I went in to labor. Could be that your little one is on the way! My son was born at 34 weeks 1 day and just had a very short stay in the NICU to make sure he was gaining weight and could hold a normal temperature. You and yours should be just fine at 35 weeks! Have you lost your mucous plug yet? I lost that around the same time as the tummy troubles....  

  3. What you describe is of possible concern. Nausea and Vomiting are not normal this late in pregnan cy.  You should call your doctor right away and go to the hospital to make sure the baby and you are OK.

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