
I am 35y/f Indian Kindergartenteacher with B.A(Eng)degree.Do I stand a chance to get teacher job in Nepal?

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I am 35y/f Indian Kindergartenteacher with B.A(Eng)degree.Do I stand a chance to get teacher job in Thailand?

I am an Anglo-Indian and I have 12 years experience in teaching Nursery/ Primary and at present working in an International School with ICGSE curriculum. If I get a job what would be my minimum pay?




  1. Suggestions: research who the head of the Ministry of Education of Nepal/Thailand is, and mail them a registered letter, asking them the same questions that you are asking us here on this website.

         Or you might contact the respective United Nations ambassador from each of these countries, and inquire of them what you want to know.

                                         Good luck,


  2. Well yes you can easily get the job you desire. Actually I need a good teacher...can you attach your CV in my email. Salaray start from Minimum 5000 I.C. It depends. 1st you can contact me with your C.V. So i can give you all the details of salary scale with other facility .

  3. Be very aware of any cultural sensitivities.  Also you may have right qualifications but do you speak Nepalese? Communication is key after all.  Recently a lady from UK a teacher for many years went to work abroad and asked the class to chose a name for a Teddy.  The class chose Mohammed as this was a popular name in the class.  The Teacher was arrested and all sorts of Diplomatic and Religious groups were on high alert because in the eyes of the locals she had commited a very serious crime and insulted the Prophet. She was thrown into prison. The locals wanted her stoned to death.  Admirable you want to go but just be careful and if unsure ASK b4 you do anything. Respect others cultural differences and keep safe.

  4. I would have thought you stood a very good chance! The thing is, until you try you'll never know, go for it.

    Make sure you present your CV well. Looking at your qualifications you will have done all that kind of thing before.

    Make sure any injections you need for that country are up to date.

    As for minimum pay you should get some idea from the net.

    Good luck to you!  Cassandra

  5. Hi!

    I was a teacher in Nepal for five years. The teaching system in Nepal and in India is not much different. You meet the qualification and experience (B.A. Eng. Degree + 12 years of teaching experience) to become a teacher in Nepal. If you really want to become a teacher in Nepal, go ahead. I am sure that you will get job in any nice school. You will love working there. I had wonderful days in my life working as a teacher in Kathmandu.

    About the pay: As you are Indian citizen (foreigner), they will pay you bit more than local teachers'. Salary differs from one school to another. It will be about 5000 Indian Rupees to 10000 Indian Rupees (8000-16000 Nepali Rupees).

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