
I am 36 weeks is it normal to feel like this? ?

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I have terrible pressure under my pelvic bone. He has been head down and has not moved for over a month now. But now it is hard to walk sleep or anything because his head feels like it is so low. It feels like it is right under my pelvic bone. Has anyone else felt this and does it mean I may have him earlier than Sept 22 which is 4 weeks away? I seriously feel like he is so close to coming out that it won't be long. Is it normal to feel this way?




  1. its bound to hurt baby's are not exactly the lightest thing to cary inside your body but dont worry just relax and keep yoursef comfy

  2. Yeah it is completely normal. It could be your pelvis bone shifting to make room for the baby to come out or it could be just from the weight of the baby. It is very normal. Try to stay at home as long as possible. You will be much more comfortable in your own home rather than laying in a hospital bed. Just call and talk to your doctor.

  3. It sounds like the baby's head may have engaged. Sometimes this can mean that labour is imminent but sometimes it doesn't, I'm afraid. I have had friends whose babies have engaged a good few weeks ahead of the birth (which is uncomfortable for them) and others, like me, whose babies have only engaged a day or 2 beforehand - some babies don't even engage until the actual birth sometimes!

    If it were me, I think I'd be getting myself checked over by my midwife/obstetrician/health-care-profess... just to be on the safe side.

    I hope you get to meet your baby soon!

    (PS when you say he's not moved, I trust you mean he's not changed position... as obviously if a baby hasn't "moved" (ie wriggled and kicked) then that can be a cause for concern)

  4. Your baby is big now and you will feel a lot of pressure there.If you're concerned about anything at this stage you should go to your doctor.Don't take any chances!

  5. Hi if you look at my profile you will see i asked this very same question at around 36weeks also...and my perfect girl came out 14days really hurt sometimes,i think apart of me was just hoping that she was going to arrive early as i was so desperate to meet her. just make sure you get lots and lots and i mean LOTS of rest because man babies are hard work!!!! best of luck to you.x

  6. Absolutely! It doesn't mean he's coming early either. Just means you're gonna be uncomfortable for awhile!

  7. Im due September 13th and I have had the same problem since i was about 5 months.This is my second child and it is completly different from my First.My son is 2 and im having a girl..My doctor said it was normal because the pelvic are may be spreading to get ready to give birth.Im in the middle of losing my Mucous after the doctor was rough i was only 2cm and after the exam i was having contractions.Are you effaced or Dialated Yet?


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