
I am 37 th week pregnant, in sonography i have got the weight of baby as 3600gms. Is it normal?

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I am 37 th week pregnant, in sonography i have got the weight of baby as 3600gms. Is it normal?




  1. yes it is problem. if the weight is give as 3600gms., u can  consider it to be 3.4 -3.5

    Though indian babies minimum weight is 2.5, 3.5 is not an abnormal weight too.

    now that ur 37th week pregnant ur doctor must have asked you to stop taking medicines since the baby is a big one..

    they say this but though u stop ur medicines, don't stop having ur proper diet.. once the baby is out he'l lanyway loose half of the weight in first 4 days.



  2. Sounds like your gonna have a good size baby!  My daugter was exactly the same!  3600 gms is about over 7 lbs.  My daughter was 9lbs at birth.  Ultrasounds can give or take about 1-2 lbs so don't be too discouraged about it.  Everything will be fine and you will have a healthy little bundle to hold when it comes out!!!  Congrats!

  3. sounds like u may have a high 8 pound/ 9 pound baby.

    my baby was 4115gms - 9lb 1oz

  4. well they do have a margin of error of about 1 or 1.5lbs either way. i was told this by the OB/GYN that was in charge of my sonogram. We had a detailed discussion about it because they were concerned that my baby was to big. They put her weight at 8 lbs and 2 weeks later she came out 6 lbs 9 oz so dont worry to much  

  5. The sonogram could be off, mine and friends babies had been estimated bigger than they actually were. 3.6kg is rather heavy for a 37 week baby though, sounds like its gonna be a big one : ) My daughter weighed 3980g at birth and she was apparently 'big'

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