
I am 37 weeks pregnant with cervix/pelvix pain?

by  |  earlier

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now and then I fell these stabbing sensations/pain.... in my cervix or pelvic... weird to explain but if I am standing up they do not let me walk (they only last seconds) that this means that my baby is dropping? is he getting ready to meet me? Anyone experienced this?




  1. I believe I had this pain too when I was pregnant with my midwife explained to me it's the ligaments down below stretching in preparation for the baby.  Your body grows and changes so rapidy that everything grows and stretches to compensate the babys rapid growth.

  2. I would call your doctor and explain what you are feeling. I would honestly say it is the pressure of the baby's head against your pelvic opening and it will iritate your cervix. I would consult your doctor just incase if there is a problem but you should be okay.

  3. i have been having that same pain for a few weeks my doctor said it was the baby's head engaging but i know what you mean it is hard to explain because its a quick stabbing pain in your cervix and it stops you in your tracks and then 5 seconds later its gone

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