
I am 37years old my bussness is going down what can i do?

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I am 37years old my bussness is going down what can i do?




  1. Wait for 2010. When Bush is finnish with messing up the country.

  2. learning how to spell "business" is a good start

  3. Advertisement. Advertise your business. Pay a web master to build a web page for you . If you put your company on the Internet you might get more clientele.

  4. Not enough information!

    For all I know the best thing you can do is dress up as your company's mascot and wave-in customers.

  5. Times are tough for small business owners.  As you clearly know.  What kind of business is it?  If it's retail then have a sale!  

    Better costumer service is #1, this is why the costumer comes back even if they can't find what they look for.

    Have specials, like a small reward for your using your service.  Team up with another business and make coupons.  And they should do the same for you.

    Teaming up with another business to stay alive is the best thing to do.  In times like these with gas prices going up $0.02 overnight! consumers don't want to travel that much anymore to shop

    That's why the mall is fuller than ever and the local stand alone store like kohl's, target etc. are not doing so hot.  Except for Wall-Mart because they have everything they need!

    This is why you see a Pizza Hut in a Target and a Mc Donald's in Wall-Mart and coming soon Cold Stone Creameries in Target's!

    Big business is doing it with competitors and you should too

    Good Luck!

  6. start again.

    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

    And treat those two impostors just the same;

    If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

    And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

  7. Sell out.

  8. Part out your business, you may get more money. For example, sell your inventory to a competitor, your office machines to the guy down the street, and your building to anyone who wants it.

    Use the money to re-educate yourself, and to get something new started, possibly a relocation.

    You may be in a place where business is just slow for the time of year, or due to the economy, etc but things are bound to pick up and you are doing everything right...maybe this hasn't happened before, and you know why and it's a waiting game but you just don't have the time or money to sit through a dry spell.

    In such case, you can always look for a partner, a lender, a backer, or some other form of buddy to help you share the burden...but you will have to share the success, you may have to defer some of your leadership power to that person, or report to them, or consult them for decisions.  You may have to buy back your part of the company when the hard part is over.

  9. More info? Take the initiative - figure out the main 5 reasons your business is going down. If they are fixable - fix them. If one of the reasons your business is failing is little to no demand of the product you are selling - think about selling something else or revamping your entire business plan. If it's bad customer service - retrain your employees or fire them if necessary. In any business situation, you need to take the reigns.

  10. get more customers.

  11. think of something exsiting to make more costomers buy or come

  12. Sorry.. but we need more detail.  I'd suggest you contact a good business lawyer if you want to get out.  If you intend on trying to make it work... see if you can find some investors that will buy into your future.

  13. sell it and get as much money as you can for it.  dust yourself off and try again

  14. advertise on tv's about your bussiness and give some delicate offeers to sellers

    give yours contacts to your neighbours and they will spred it to their relitives in this way you can increase your advertisement

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