
I am 38 and at home mom, but lately I have this urge of?

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Going back to school and finishing my GED. I am scared I have three wonderful children and I don't want disappoint them how about if I can't do it.. It's being a long time sense I was in school. The reason I decided to do this is because I have a 11 year old son who is struggling real bad in school he has ADHD and now the doctor suspect he also has something called auditory dislexia, I use to struggle too in school that is why now I am a stay home mom, but I love writing children stories I am good at it and I always wanted to write.. My problem is this fear I don't want to fail in front of my children, should I not tell my kids that I am going back to school? they are going to notice mommy is going somewhere, should I not tell them? I don't want to be a bad example to my children, I start today I don't intent to quit, I really want this but my fear is not passing the test.. I should have done this a while ago but I had to work to help my husband buy our home read more.




  1. Do it! Even if you are struggling a little bit, they will feel your pain because they also struggle in school and they will feel closer to you in a way. Everybody struggles when it comes to school so relax. And like you said, you can help out your children much better with this given education.

    It actually motivates kids to go through school when they know their parents did it too even if you struggle a little. Always tell them that they have to be much better than you when it comes to school and life in general because they have more opportunities than you did.

    The GED is not that easy and not that hard (from what I heard)

    Go for it!

    At the end, you end up winning!!

    Good Luck

  2. It's not that bad. I had a hard time in school also, I'm 31 and a mother of two, I got my ged and didn't take the course. That is something you might want to do though. I didn't pass the constitution part the first time but, they will give you time to study and take it again. Let your kids know that you are trying your best to be better for them. Let them know how hard it's going to be since mommy hasn't been in school for so long. Maybe they would even like to "help you" making them feel like a part of it. By-the -way I'm a teacher's aide now and if I can do it so can you.

  3. I'm 22, and I took the GED test when I was 18, it wasn't really hard for me, but I had just learned the stuff in school. There were alot of people there that had been out of school for years, like yourself, and they were struggling a bit. Most of them did fine, and if you take the class it does make it a little easier. I think there are 5 or 6 parts to it, and if you fail one part, you do not have to take the whole test again, just the part you failed, so if you're not good at math, take the whole test, and if you fail this part, just study up on your math for a few weeks until you can take this part again. Good luck, and let your kids in on the news, they will be your little support team, and they are old enough to understand that it's been a while since you were in school, so if it doesn't go perfectly, just keep trying.

  4. If it was me, I would go. You want to show your kids that going to school is a great thing for them to do. and what better way to show them is there mommy going off to school again. If your husband works drop them off at grandmas house that also gives grandma time to spend with your children

  5. first, why dont you check whether you too have a learning disability. that will help you take special courses. second, why hide? you are doing something great! it will motivate them to do their homework as concientiously as you do!

  6. Always be honest with your children.  Tell them the truth because if they find you are lying to them, they will feel they cannot trust you.  That will cause more damage than good.

    I  also had horrible math skills after high school--teachers' fault!  I took remedial math classes at my local Junior college and I did just fine.  The Jr. college also has a math lab you can go to whenever you need to. My hubby is taking calculus and goes to that math lab continuously.  He thinks it is the best help because he gets any tutorial help whenever he has a question and they sit with you one on one until you understand.  

    The fact that you are now 38 will also get you through these classes because you now have a load of life experience to back you up and help you. Good luck. Also ask God for some help in this as well.


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