
I am 39 weeks and still haven't had my baby what are some options i might have to not go over my due date?

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I walk everyday for about 1 to 2 hours and even been having a lot of s*x and still nothing i have been doing this sience the first of the month. Is there anything else that might help?




  1. s*x can bring on the labor, as well as spicy food.

    Have s*x while eating a curry?

    Could be interesting!

  2. Have s*x to induce labor.

  3. Walking

    Nipple stimulation


    Good luck !

  4. I know how you feel, I'm getting induced at 39 weeks the doc left it up to me.  I'm already dilated a little so he told me if I want to its my decision.  And I'm so done being pg.

  5. Drink some Castrol oil(its found in the pharmacy area) with juice and go walking after or do light house work. I did this when i was 37 weeks pregnant with my second son. I had heard about it from and friend and  i thought my son was ready to come. I was in labor 4 hours later and my son was born 14 hours later 8lbs 6 oz!

  6. Hi I know you can't wait to see your baby but the reality is that the baby is gonna come when it is ready to come. My daughter came 2 weeks late so I kow how you are feeling x2. I tried all of that s*x, long baths, walking, massaging my belly, even talking to her but she just came when she was good and ready.

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