
I am 39 years old, and have the oportunity to become a commercial pilot. Am I too old to start training ?

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I know that most pilots start at a young age, such as 18 to 20, but a friend of mine is a boing 737 pilot and instructor, I would have to start from ground school, and It may take a couple of years to get my commercial license.




  1. go for it yoyur never to old to fly  i do my flying on the ground

  2. You are too old.  You will be taking orders from captains half your age the rest of your life and will never make captain in a large airline.  

    You need a four year college degree first off.  Then you will spend $30,000 getting your flight ratings (not including living expenses for the two years it will take training full time).   Then you will be making $9,000 a year as a flight instructor for two years.  Then you will make $15,00 a year flying for the regional airlines for 5 years ending pay about $50,000 as a regional captain.  Then IF YOU MAKE IT to the major airlines (there are 1 million pilots in the US and only 55,000 major airline pilots), you will make $35,000 a year starting pay and you'll be 48 with only 12 years left if you retire at 60 where most guys should because of health/concentration/vision/hearing problems.  It will take you 15 years to upgrade to captain at American Airlines and about 10 at smaller majors like Southwest or Alaska.

  3. Mate go for it, this only comes around once in a life time.

  4. There are lots of bull-hockey answers above from people who know nothing about this.

    I am sorry to tell you that you are too old to begin training with the goal of becoming an airline pilot.  The airlines simply will not hire someone at the age of 45 or so that you will be before you qualify for an airline job.

    If you are in good health, you can become a general commercial pilot and look forward to a rewarding career doing lots of interesting things until you reach a ripe old age.  You can fly cargo, charter, corporate, air ambulance, bush flying, pipeline/power line patrol, instructing, and many other interesting situations.

    But you will be too old to apply with the major airlines.  You can get jobs in almost any of the fields listed above without a college degree, but it is best you have one anyway, for a number of reasons.  You need to be able to demonstrate learning skills and you need a fall-back career, in case you develop a disqualifying condition.

    Live cheap.  Drive an old car that's paid for and live in trailers and motel 6s.  Save up every penny you can; you will not have a pension.  You will have to work to age 70 to be able to live on your savings and SS.

    Buy an old fixer-upper house somewhere you love to be, and invest money in it so you will have a place to retreat to and retire to.

    In other words, fly for the love of flying, and don't care what people think of you.  Do all those things, and you will be fine.

  5. I answer this with another question, At what age do you think you stop continuing to improve you pilot skills? As pilots we all strive to be the best we can be! The day you stop this is when you no longer want to be a pilot, GO FOR IT!!!

  6. DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. h**l no. If you want to do it, go for it.  

  8. No

  9. HECK NO!

  10. you cant put an age on things. You need to think to yourself and ask "can i doi this" and "am i dedicated" because thats all you need, will and dedication.

    if you really want to, i would say, go for it!

  11. I started my training at 35, i've now earned my type ratings on the airbus A310 and B737. Also i work with a man that is 61 and works for Virgin Atlantic, he started training at 45! Go for it, it will be the best decision of your life!

  12. Go for it. Things are a little dicey in the airplane business now but in two years who knows?

  13. You are not to old with all due respect to a fellow pilot, I think garyvale is worried about job security.

    The less quailified pilots the better for the rest of us.

    If you work and study hard earn your ratings as soon as feasible, catch some lucky breaks then you may well enjoy 20 years or more in aviation.

    You are old and should be mature enough to know what you want.

    If this is it and are prepared for the work and sacrifices.

    Then go for it and F.. those who say otherwise!

    I became an Airline pilot at 38 years old.

    Go to youtube and watch the video ' Why become an airline pilot edit 1 '

    Good luck to you.

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