
I am 'average height' sorta, but i have big feet. will i get taller?

by  |  earlier

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i am about 5'8, 16years old, male, about 150 lbs, excericse and eat healthy and everything. I wear a size 11.5 or 12 in shoes. Will i get taller? will i be tall (like 6'1+)?




  1. Men stop growing until 21 so, if you are a healthy person of course you gonna get taller,, don't worry about big feet women look and like that .. lol

  2. If your feet is still growing then yes

    But just stay away from caffein  

  3. Yes, because of your age, you are likely to keep growing through your early 20s even in height. Zinc, in the form of red meat, or shellfish or brazil nuts is the major nutritional determinant of height. No one knows about your genetics other than guestimates and probabilities. The feet thing I think we used to say about puppies :)  

  4. yea. ur still a little boy! only 16.

    dont worry about it

    ull probably get like a growth spurt or somethin

    most of my boy friends have like gotten wicked tall in a short period of time

  5. You will probably peak at 5'10 plus at the age of 18 when males usually stop growing.  How much above 5'10 (if at all) is uncertain.

  6. possibly!

  7. Guys dont stop growing until they are in their 20's, so I think you can make it to at least 6'0.

    This thing said 5'9, but I don't think its very accurate...

  8. well, your only 16 your body doesnt stop developing untill your 21.

  9. ur parents r like the same height as mine and a couple years ago i wore a 9 when u was like 5'3 but now im almost 6' and wear a 10.5

  10. Start playing hoops man  

  11. ya u need big feet to support big people u r gonna be a giant try 6'3

  12. Boys continue to grow until age 20. So there's a strong possibilty you'll grow into those feet yet!

  13. Probably not. I would say 5'11 at most. I wear size 16s and I'm only 6'0 so although my feet are huge I'm not that tall.

  14. probably since your only 16. Boys tend to keep growing until about 18 or 19.

  15. computing......



    ......You will be approximately 6'2" 175 lbs.

    Have a nice day :)

  16. Nah  

  17. maybe your still young

  18. yeah sure

    males grow until 21  

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