
I am 4 days late and on birth control, could I be pregnant?

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I have been on birth control (Yaz to be specific) for about a year and a half now, my boyfriend and I had unprotected s*x twice during last week when I was on the antibiotic, Clarithromycin, which I did not know would interact with my birth control as my doctor said nothing about it. I have no breast tenderness, tested negative on a HPT, and I have a little bit of brownish fluid in my panties, but nothing when I wipe...could I be pregnant? (I am going tomorrow for a blood test to be sure.)




  1. No, i doubt that you are pregnant. I think you have nothing to worry about.

  2. The brownish fluid may be implantation bleeding and may be an early sign of pregnancy.  Implantation bleeding can cause you some confusion when you are unsure whether or not you are pregnant. It is not always easy to tell what is break through bleeding, or spotting between periods, and what is actually implantation spotting. The difference between period and implantation bleeding is that implantation bleeding occurs as a result of the embryo burrowing into your endometrium. However, because implantation spotting usually occurs right around the time you would be expecting your period, it is easy to mistake it for your period or as breakthrough bleeding.

    Implantation bleeding signs generally include blood that is lighter than menstrual bleeding and is either pink or brown in color. How long implantation bleeding lasts will vary from woman to woman. It is important to note, though, that spotting in early pregnancy is not the same as implantation bleeding.

  3. There's a small chance, but one thing you want to check is the website it will predict if you were ovulating that time with an ovulation calculator, as far as the medication interfering with your bc this website here gave a list of possible interfering medications & some antibiotics are included. hope this helps

  4. it take about 6 days to get preggers....get a bloodtest first and if that came up nagative and you are still not sure check yourself in about 3-4 days time, and since you know the signs test yourself and then with a pregnancy test.

  5. You could be, but I doubt it. The antibiotic probably messed your system up and that's why you haven't had a period yet.

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